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Defineyour color.Defineyou

What is this Paleo, New Evolution Lifestyle everyone keeps talking about? Recently, I was given “The New Evolution Diet” written by Arthur De Vany. I had put off reading it up until last week, and even still I only read the first chapter and put the book down. I didn’t put it down because it wasn’t an interesting read, but because I’ve read so many “diet” books that claim they are the […]

Searching Google on Sunday brought me to an amazing video blog by TheLipstickDiaries. I always like to research new and inventive ways to creatively do my hair in the morning. So, after watching the tutorial, I decided to try it out! The best part is that you don’t have to use a curling iron or flat iron to complete this Vintage Curls look. Here’s what you need in order to try […]

Everything is amazing in Summer…Especially the Food! Here is my favorite, latest, and greatest Summer Salad: Just Toss in these few ingredients and chow down- Spinach or Mixed Greens Blueberries Craisins (Dried Cranberries) Crumbled Goat Cheese Honey Roasted Peanuts Ken’s Lite Raspberry Walnut Vinaigrette (Go easy on this…great taste, but you don’t want to overpower the other fabulous ingredients) Let me know what you think! Write a Comment! Share your favorite […]

Categories: Blog, Eating Right, Health

The greatest thing about tanning is that you don’t have to be at the beach to do it… Tanning has options...and we, as Indulge Full Throttle Lifers, Love Options. Suppose you don’t like tanning in a tanning bed, you can lay out in your backyard instead. Perhaps you hate being hot, you can go have an airbrush tan service. Or, maybe you love tanning at the beach but can’t get […]

Taking Care of your hair is easy… especially when you’re not traveling!  Sometimes we travel, grabbing things at the last minute, forgetting all of the essentials, and we’re left with horrible, and I mean, horrible shampoo provided by the hotel. Yes, it’s conveniently set up next to the dry, paper wrapped soap, but it provides absolutely zero benefits for our hair. Sometimes you get the really fancy hotels that give you the […]

Categories: Blog, Hair, Travel Products

We know what you’re thinking…I’ve got to get in shape; I’ve got to get that flat stomach I’ve been attempting to pull off. Here’s the trick: You must be strictly watching your consumption of food, be consistent with your workout schedule, and be willing to modify your routine. First Thing’s First: I can’t stress enough how important it is to be strict about your diet. Make a plan of attack for each day (or the whole […]

Handing in your resignation letter is uncomfortable. Let’s face it-You’ve planned it now for weeks, thought about what you were going to say, how you were going to say it, and even thought about a few “Office Space” walk out scenarios. The big day finally arrives, and it. Resigning from a position should feel, taste, and breathe bittersweet. It means you actually cared about what you did. You may […]

So I was flipping through the channels the other day, and stopped on the widely known America’s Next Top Model. I don’t watch it regularly so I have no idea what cycle it was, but it was interesting and quite insightful. They had this drama coach on there who was teaching the girls about bringing out themselves (the inner self). They were supposed to do an exercise where they were […]

Summer is a great time to be outside enjoying the weather, great outdoors, beach, and sun. Although it brings great weather, it can be very harsh on our skin. Laying out at the beach the sting of sand blowing in the breeze, the hot sun on our skin can completely reverse the care we gave our skin throughout the Spring.  It’s so important to maintain lush, moisturized skin especially through […]

Are you ready for the newest highlights available only at Indulge on S. George Street and E. Market Street? Summer starts with Sunset Diva Highlights from your favorite stylist at Indulge Salon. With 15 new highlighting techniques and 3 colors, your hair will love you! Choose from Amber, Golden Blonde, or Copper Blonde to create a color combination that expresses your personality. Designed to play off the sun, the Sunset Diva […]

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