Indulge Salon
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Defineyour color.Defineyou

You know when you put products on your skin and five minutes later and you have to reapply because it just hasn’t stayed. It’s like the cute football player that was really nice to look at but as soon as they open their mouth, your mouth drops open you want to give him back because it doesn’t have substance but was really nice to look at. This totally relates to […]

Clients are clamouring into the salon and repurchasing the new Egyptian Musk. It comes in a creme’ pronounced Creme Brulee’. The lotion is really light as our customers have described. You know I love feedback with any of our products and services. Our clients have expressed that they don’t like the”greasy” feel and you know that we don’t want the grease feel on our clothes linens or anything else our skin comes in […]

A while ago, I got back from New York with mega blisters on top of the toes and the sides of myfeet. I totally believe in looking your best but seriously I need to reconsider my choice of shoes when doing business in the Big Apple. I left about 8:30a.m. thinking great I’ll get off the train at Penn Station and walk up in 95 degree heat to 5th Avenue. […]

Categories: Blog, Skin, Skin Care

What is glycerin soap? It is thick, colorless, non-toxic liquid known for having a slightly sweet taste. Glycerin is the by product of soap-making and biodiesel production. Companies often extract glycerin during the process to use for higher end products. Glycerin soaps are available at Indulge Salon and have a light weight feel and have a beautiful aromatherapy sensory experience that envelopes you while showering. The bars last about 2-5 […]

As seen on Facebook Julie Fabie on her Brazilian Blowout experience at Indulge SalonClient, Julie Fabie, of Indulge Salon received a Brazilian Blowout. She tells her story See the testimonial by Julie Fabie on IndulgeSalon York facebook. She will tell you first hand how her experience has been. I am simply stunned with conversations with customers that do not know what they are talking about with Brazilian Blowout Keratin treatment […]

This is the latest in hilighting. The process of coloring the base color either blonde or keeping it natural with some chunkier highlights located through the middle and to the ends is the entire focus of this technique. We have perfected the process by applying some natural looking highlights in sections that “peek” through the base color. Ask for it! low maintenance and it will not require a regular hilite […]

We had an awesome day today! We invited Wella Sebastian Regional Account Manager and the Local Account Manager into our salon to talk about and demonstrate the new products that we are currently using in our salon. We have had a sensational experience with Wella because they explain the new concept behind the new wella products. These new products provide a multi-sensory experience with orchid extract to give a calming […]

Categories: Anti-Aging, Blog, Hair, Health, Skin

Today I had the pleasure of adding some hair to a special client that had a birthday and wanted to do something for herself. I was really proud of her first of all to take time for herself because so many women will do for others and sacrifice themselves. There are years when you just have say this is “your name inserted” year. Doing things for yourself is not necessarily […]

Brazilian Blowout Client Patti Check out the video. This is my client Patti that has wild untamed hair. She has had several types of relaxers, treatments and as she will explain that her hair is in the best shape with the Brazilian Blowout treatment. Her hair went from frizzy to smooth because of our technique and the super nutrient complex in the solution. We protect her from any uncomfortable smells […]

Did you know that women fantasize about getting enough sleep every night? I certainly didn’t. I found this informative article in Allure issued April 2011. Commenting on sleep is a Darrell S. Rigel, clinical professor of dermatology of New York University Langone Medical Center in New York City. We are supposed to be getting average of seven to nine hours of sleep per night. Getting the proper amount of sleep […]

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