Indulge Salon
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Defineyour color.Defineyou

Well, I couldn’t resist. I had to talk about this brain conference I went to in order to expand my knowledge on the brain. I have a personal fascination with it and what goes on with the brain. As most of you know, my son was shaken when he was eleven weeks old. He was born normal and shaken to stop from crying. After the shaking which was not intentionally […]

Loreal Spring 2012 Trends check out the video above for the new trends in long hair styling that you are seeing on the Runways right now. Smoking hot styles for curls, wavy hair and essential a new spin on updo’s with new product. We do this type of work in the salon and bring educators in to teach our stylists how to duplicate this on your hair. We recommend some […]

We are so excited to introduce to you the Hot Stone therapy pedicure by Kim Tinker, Sr Manicurist and pedicurist at Indulge, A Colour Salon 180 from Ordinary on South George Street in York Pa. This hot stone pedicure experience is exceptionally relaxing. She massages the hot stones designed for the feet  and up to the knees. This type of pedicure is customized to relax the muscles with the heat […]

Categories: Announcements

I love mint. It’s so refreshing. I first discovered mint at a seminar in Dallas, Texas. It was this huge group of business people that I hang out with and of course they keep the room next to arctic temperature. Those of you that know me, know that I prefer the Sahara desert temperature and that I can wear a sweatshirt when its 90 degrees out! I know weird but […]

We see generations of women come into Indulge, A Colour Salon 180 from Ordinary at all of our locations  and as always we hear everything from the daughter graduating from high school, to which daughter is pregnant and the next is heart disease or ailments and which doctors they are seeing. We hear it all and we also can head off some difficult news by lending an ear or recommending certain […]

Being a mother is the most special job that I’ve been assigned. I have the pleasure of inserting my thoughts and values to my children Alex and Carson for 25 years. One day I said to my daughter, “I’m surprised you have survived my parenting.” We laugh and giggled about that statement because I have done a lot of out of the box parenting. I have had to work many […]

Here it is!! Bioxygene face cream designed give radiance to dull lack luster over stressed skin. I don’t know about you, but some days are not so radiant as they should be especially when I look in the mirror in the morning and say to myself “who are you?”If you don’t feel as young as you used to and you have the sallow, dull, tired look than maybe you should […]

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