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Defineyour color.Defineyou

Last week I mentioned that our Skin Care Specialists at Indulge won’t perform chemical peels in the summer months because of the risk of burning fresh skin. But even though the calendar tells us its spring, summer sun still seems to be quite a ways off. Why not take advantage and get a peel while you still can. If you are considering a chemical peel, let me tell you about […]

Green coffee beans have been making headlines lately, touted for having natural anti-oxidant that have been linked to promoting appetite suppression, lowering blood pressure and cholesterol , enhanced energy levels, and weight loss (see a fact sheet from Dr. Oz on green coffee beans for weight loss at But coffee beans are also an excellent exfoliate that promote anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant effects on the skin, and stimulate collagen production […]

Categories: Blog, nail services, pedicure

I’m a sporadic spring cleaner. With random bursts of energy (or sometimes frustration …), I find myself tackling odd deep cleaning jobs in spurts.  Totally unplanned I’ll suddenly clean out the silverware drawer, wiping down all of the different compartments and replacing clean flatware, and then pleased with that minor accomplishment, I’ll move on to a kitchen cupboard. Anything but the plastic storage container cupboard — that’s beyond help in […]

As much as I am looking forward to spring, the blustery and bitter cold reminds me each time I go outside that it isn’t spring yet. And although I would never even consider leaving home without SPF on my face and neck, I do admit that for quick jaunts when I am getting in and out of the car and just going from here to there, I do not always […]

In the salon industry, do you know one of the very first sure signs of spring? A rush of clients scheduling skin peels (also called chemical peels). Yep, we always see a flurry of activity around this time of year of people that want a serious treatment that will help improve the pigmentation of the skin, and reduce the appearance of acne scars, mild sun damage, large pores, and fine […]

I’m loving the extra daylight at the end of the days since we moved the clocks ahead, but boy is it ever hard to get going in the mornings when it stays dark until after 7:00am!!!   I remind myself as the alarm goes off each morning that it gets lighter just a little bit earlier every day, but I still hate to leave my warm, comfy bed before the first […]

My assistant is one of the most organized and detail oriented people I know. She actually has a checklist for holiday entertaining that starts 10+ days before the family dinner she is hosting. Now, these family dinners are no small ordeal … 12–15 people, family and friends, some of whom come for the weekend, gather for an extravagant meal at a table set with the family china and silver, stemware […]

Bayalage is a French term and hair coloring technique that literally paints strands of hair to appear as though it is reflecting light. The area at the curve of your head and toward the ends of your hair are slightly lighter to give a natural look of being in the sun. I like to mix up the width of the different strands being painted—some skinny, some chunky—for an even more […]

Sorry … I haven’t read the book, so there will be no discussion of sexual dominance or submission in this post. But in a series about color, I wanted to talk about what seems to be an often overlooked choice for hair color. For some people, gray hair is to be avoided at all costs! Growing up I remember the neighbor lady would pay her kids a nickel for each […]

Daylight savings time starts again this weekend. “Spring forward” on Sunday March 10. Please remember to replace the batteries in your smoke detector too. Have you made your reservations to next weekends 22nd Annual Colour Explosion Party? It’s on Saturday March 16 from 8:00am–4:00pm.  Both York, PA Indulge Salons offer 25% off all color processes and focus on hair color—only color—all day long. Other discounts on products are also available. […]

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