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Defineyour color.Defineyou

Colour Explosion Party: T-10 days! If you are like me, you expect science is for brainy people in white lab coats that think really big thoughts and set out to change the course of the world by proving them. Not so much. I do not think I have ever found more conflicting “scientific” studies and results than I have in researching blondes.  I threw in a great little experiment on […]

Colour Explosion Party: T-12 days Red heads have a reputation for being temperamental, passionate, and wild! But the diverse shades of red, running from the deepest auburn to the brightest carrot top, show that no two are alike — in looks or personality! Let’s explore some other “red myths” and look at the benefits of red. Does it cost more to insure a red car? It probably costs a good […]

I am so excited about the upcoming  Colour Explosion Party at Indulge Salons that I am going to focus my blog entries for the next few weeks on color—just color. Color is perceived differently by each person, has an enormous impact in how it affects our attitude, and how it generally makes us feel.  Color Theory is the actual study of how color affects people, as individuals and in a […]

Categories: Blog

I am so excited about the new Illumina hair color that offers subtle, multi-faceted, luxurious lights for your hair. I performed many of these this week in preparation for our newest hair color trends and I must say this is one of the most fun and exciting techniques I’ve learned. This technique is designed to bring out natural looking lights in your hair—as though you have been in the sun. […]

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