Indulge Salon
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At Indulge, A Colour salon 180 from ordinary, we pride ourselves on staying educated at the top of our levels. We just discovered that this crazy therapy will actually increase your math performance if done regularly. So what is it? Massage. I know I’m not even kidding. Who knew that a regular massage will help with math processing and performance. The University of Miami School of Medicine, therapists gave 26 adults two […]

Categories: Facial Treatments, Stress

Be cool as a cucumber this season. The weather has been warm and we have certainly seen some rain to nourish the rich ground. One of the primary nurses that watches over and cares for my son Carson, loves to make Cucumber Salad. Her version of it. She puts special onions and her magic sauce in it. My grandmother used to make it on the farm that creates special memories for […]

Curious weren’t you? California Avocados are a fresh, natural, wholesome part of a healthful diet.  They’re irresistibly rich in flavor and, avocados also provide vital nutrients and phytochemicals.  Diets rich in fruits and vegetables may reduce the risk of some types of cancer and other chronic diseases. There are 13 vitamins that the body absolutely needs: vitamins A, C, D, E, K and the B vitamins (thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic […]

Categories: Anti-Aging, Eating Right, Skin

Is your skin affected with air travel? You may be right with the education we have around skincare that is more advanced, skin does have a tendency to dehydrate while in the air. As you know, I have many adventures that are never the same when it comes to traveling with the airlines. The latest adventure was last weekend when traveling to see a very good friend of mine in Charleston, […]

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