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Try our Indulge Classic Aromatic Facial! Our classic aromatic facial delivers the most relaxing, stress reducing treatment that will take you on a stay vacation here in York, Pa.  The Indulge Classic facial with essential oils gives an aromatherapy experience to take your stress away. Manual manipulations with techniques that help with lymphatic drainage from sinus cavities. The Indulge Classic Facial includes lymphatic drainage helping to reduce chronic sinus congestion, fluid that […]

Categories: pedicure, Skin Care, spa, Stress

Throw away the round brushes for summer hairstyles 2016! Ok, you don’t have to but here is another alternative for summer. I just read an updated article on the best summer hairstyles for 2016 indicating that the dryer you are using is considered “the olde ball and chain.” Well, this will be your season. Love this quote, “It’s time to put down your weapons of destruction” and wear your hair […]

Happy Mother’s Day! A Story Of Love The sun shining through the window beckoned me to start the day with a smile since all we have had was rain this week. I quietly walked over to my son’s bed to check on him while he slept peacefully. I wondered what he was dreaming about this early in the morning to have such a contented look on his face. I smiled […]

Categories: Blog

Your dry, frizzy, unruly, rebellious hair giving you trouble? The hair sheriff is in town at Indulge Salon, York, Pa. She will arrest the dry,frizzy hair culprits with a salon secret that only the staff at Indulge Salon knows how to smooth out and defrizz that rebellious hair without going dead straight. Our secret treatment takes about 10 minutes to remedy and you will be on your way to enjoying frizz free […]

Hydradermie facial with an upgraded peel to rejuvenate, hydrate, and make you look younger treatment. Is this treatment for you? Probably. I would say that 75% of women and men will love this exfoliating, hydrating, massage the heck out of my facial muscles to relax me so that I don’t remember anything an hour later is for the person that really needs to relax. This intensly hydrating hydradermie facial is […]

Constantly looking to moisturize your dry skin with a body butter bar moisturizer? Look no further! We have THE best moisturizer on the planet here at Indulge Salon. Many years ago, I had really dry itchy skin that seemed that nothing I used in the form of moisturizer, clinical moisturizer or lotion worked to get rid of the itchy skin. For weeks and months I would itch that area around […]

Categories: Uncategorized

Traveling hairstyles – what happened? Would the fashion police capture you? Does your hairstyle, makeup and dress reflect who you are when traveling? Hmm, think again. From what I saw, it looks like we as a beauty industry have some hardcore work to do. To those travelers that put some effort into their look, congratulations for keeping America beautiful. I have to say that I wish I had taken a […]

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