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Defineyour color.Defineyou

Learn 5 myths about hair extensions thought to damage hair. Hi, my name is Kimberly Acworth, Owner of Indulge Salons in York and Lake Oconee,Ga. I’ve been providing premium hair services to clients with fine hair that just stops growing, losing hair, shedding hair and suffering from hair loss over the 26 years of being in the hair industry. As you move through these myths that we will be debunking […]

Natural hair extensions are one of the most amazing inventions that can give you length, volume and color without the commitment in 1 – 2 hours depending on the type of hair extensions you have chosen. I could give you many reasons to trust Indulge Salon, York, Pa and Greensboro, Ga with your hair but since I have limited space here, I’ll give you 5 to start with: COMPLETE CUSTOMIZED […]

Categories: Blog, Hair Extensions

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