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4 ways to thicker fuller hair 2018

Want the roadmap to fuller thicker hair this year?

I could give you the roadmap to the thicker fuller hair in a few short sentences but you know me, I have to explain it to you so that you understand what it takes to grow your hair.

One of the essential changes in hair as you shed hair, lose hair or it started thinning to the point you have to do something about it NOW. You know we are impatient and want it to grow out like playdough hair or a chia pet hair. I wish…

Since this doesn’t happen unless it might be a side effect from medications which does happen or you just started to thin out all of a sudden take a look at the changes in your hormones, testosterone changes for both men and women. Check what you put in your mouth.

Follow the 4 ways to thicker fuller here:

  1. babylights highlightsIf your hair is strong enough, introduce some babylight highlights that will make your hair thicker and fuller.  You can add lowlights and highlights however the goal is to fatten up your hair which bleach or high lift blondes do. Balayage highlights are beautiful but it won’t give you the natural fullness you need at the top of your head as much as it will the bottom of your hair. A semi permanent hair color will blend your hair, plump it for 6 weeks then you will be back where you were with fine limp hair. Some color will have protein in it that lasts and will plump the hair without the permanent result of color allowing the color pigments to gradually wash out or fade out. The spend could be from 65.00 – 175.00 depending on your length of hair and which type of color service you choose. Save $15 off your very first visit with us here.

2. Color your plate with colorful foods that are rich in Vitamin K such as Kale, Spinach, Green beans, Okra and Collard Greens. The more bright hues on your plate the healthier your foods for your body. Everything you put into your body will eventually come out through your nails (hard as nails) and the protein in your hair. The more potassium leafy greens and red fruits and vegetables like watermelon and tomatoes (think lycopene anti-aging) keeps  your skin looking younger, fights free radicals in the skin, cleans out your guts with the raw foods. Even though carrots have natural sugar, they are excellent for

Indulge Salon promotes Naturally Nourished book

healthy recipes for fuller thicker hair

our eyes and yams are better than potatoes which have way to much start in them naturally. For some good reads on vegetables in depth check these resources click here or check out some of the amazing articles that Women’s Health Magazine Jan-February 2017. According to nutritionist Ali Miller, R.D., author of Naturally Nourished she said when you uptake your blood sugar balancing fiber (oatmeal), energizing B vitamins mood stabilizing minerals like magnesium and anti-inflammatory antioxidants – nutrients often stripped away in processing and refining. (this is the bad part)Results will come quickly: A recent study found that 9 days on a meal plan low in fructose (soda sugar, juices, and many processed foods) cut levels of liver fat by 20 percent. Frankly, I wouldn’t have thought of the fat in the liver as much as fat around the belly. Ms Ali made a good point for us to  remember. Britton

3. Proper hair products that are designed to make your hair fuller thicker immediately and GROW YOUR HAIR. If you have baby fine hair it will grow. If you have baldness it will not, the hair is already dead.  We have seen the results from this Treatment shampoo and conditioner first hand. I’ve been using these products since April 2017 and my hair has grown back in by October 2017. My hair was shedding to the point that it was getting concerning with all of the hair collecting in my brush. the area around my temples was getting thinner and thinner. After I started doing the treatments


Collagen helps grow hair. Available at or walk into Indulge Salon York pa

and the Density spray, my hair grew quickly and after 2 weeks my hair wasn’t falling out. I used the Collagenblu daily to supplement the protein as I discussed above. The additional protein was helpful. My hair loss was from stress and possibly not eating a well balanced diet. After 3 – 6 week period, my scalp was incredibly itchy which I didn’t think about my hair growing back in that quickly. I didn’t know what to expect but then I realized and felt the little nubs coming out of the top of my scalp. This is normal. Some of my clients felt this same thing others didn’t but still all of the clients that use this regime have experienced their hair growing back. We all say the same thing, “it works – I love shampooing my hair” Certainly can’t argue with what works.

4. Get moving with a jog, some physical activity to reduce the stress. It’s been proven that the more you move your body and bowels, the less toxic your body will be, the less stress will prevent robbing your body of essential nutrients that make your hair thin out. Add a Probiotic supplement to your diet to help get those intestines working at full capacity. You aren’t getting anywhere with the bloat from sitting around eating bad fast food, diet drinks loaded with sodium and essentially the burgers and fries just rot in your

lifting weights

Alex Crawford, Bishop Ga

gut with nowhere to go. Lifting weights, running, walking using some light weights may be effective for you to move the blood in your body. The oxygen that gets pumped through your body also reduces the stress related symptoms that can occur. The benefits outweigh the annoyance of getting started especially if you are able to see your body change in a positive way.

My daughter Alex (to the right with the 250 lbs) is inspirational to changing body after baby. Check out

Interested in a private consultation about your fine thin hair and you want fuller thicker hair? Call 717.846.4424 book a consultation with Kimberly, the owner, to learn which products would be best for you. She will give you very specific solutions for your haircut, hair color and recommendations on the proper hair thickening treatments. Allow 30  minutes.

Categories: Anti-Aging, Blog, Hair Loss, Health

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