Indulge Salon
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Amazing defrizzing hairstyling cream see video

Meet Dina! One of our new talented stylists that works at Indulge Salon at our South George Street location in York PA.

Indulge Salon York Pa

Alterna Bamboo Sleek Brilliance Cream

She has been with us for almost a year and is determined to be an amazing stylist. She loves cutting hair and working with thicker and frizzy hair since she has this type of unruly hair. She demonstrates how she styles her hair with Brilliance cream from Alterna that gives a soft silky feel when applied correctly and works with her waves and curls without the FRIZZ!

See Dina on our facebook page,


Dina is originally from New Jersey and is sweet is the day is long. She really works hard and is offering 25.00 off for any new clients that come to here for our BACK TO SCHOOL offer. She enjoys perfecting her haircuts.

Call 717.846.4424 for an appointment with Dina. She works Tuesday through Friday. 9:00 a.m – 4:00 p.m.

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