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Are the artificial lights causing us to gain weight?

Salon York PA Here goes…another perspective on weight gain and guess where this one comes from? You guessed it. Artificial light. Back in the day when we had to run after our food for the nightly meal cooking over the fire pit, we now are accustomed to eating our meals indoors and by artificial light bulbs. Can you imagine we as humans used to spend 10 hours a day outdoors? That would be until Edison popped out the magical light bulb. The natural light regulated our circadian rhythms and energized our brain cells and bodies.

Today we spend less than 30 minutes a day or a mere 3 hours per week in the daylight, according to Daniel Kripke, M.D. He has said that our circadian rhythms are dependent on light entering our eyes to regulate our body’s natural master clock. According to the quality and quantity of light received, key hormones and neurotransmitters like serotinin and melatonin are release in the brain to set our daily rythms. I can really relate to this due to my son being up at night for hours and I have a light or the computer light on which would affect my weight over the years. Certainly you feel more energized when you are outside and have the fresh air on my face. Today, most people suffer from mal-illumination which means lack of enough daily natural sunlight and too much indoor artificial light, especially at night.

The results of being out of our rythm can be:

  • weight gain
  • fatigue
  • depression,
  • headaches
  • pain
  • hormonal imbalances
  • sleep disorders
  • pms
  • lowered immune responses
  • vitaminD/calcium deficients and lack of vitality

Is there any wonder we are having skin and health issues. The average american will gain 8.5 lbs and get type 2 diabetes. Even if excerising, we must avoid artificial fats (no fun) and the other bad stuff but essentially turn off the light at night will help regulate your body rythm. this is a good start to losing weight. The artificial light tricks our bodies into thinking it’s the season to eat all year round adn gain weight. Traitors to our own body.

Something we think is so simple by getting sleep will help the insulin be regulated, the cortisol be regulated just by getting regular sleep. Think about it.

How much sleep are you getting these days?


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