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Athletic Sport Pedicure|Indulge Salon York Pa

I ran across this article regarding athletes that have better performance in their sport with regular pedicures. This made perfect sense to me especially with the golfers that frequent our salon on the S. George Street location.

The general population feel that pedicures are for women or a “girly” thing which we know that has zero foundation. My son-in-law actually has pedicures with my daughter as together time and she loves it. She loves that he takes care of his feet and she loves the time that they spend together.

Professional men need this need this sport pedicure to remove the dead skin build up on the bottom of the feet after months of being stuck inside those basket ball shoes, golf shoes that get wet once in awhile with a rain storm. Couple of reasons why men should have pedicures are listed here:

1. removes the foul foot smell that will work up to a “leave your shoes outside” comment from your special other. The foul smell comes from not cleaning the feet properly, not cleaning the underneath part of the toes that collect bacteria along with sweat, dirt and general dirt buildup.

2. proper cleasing of the toenails, the disinfectants that are used to kill bacterial from underneath the nails and surrounding tissues.

3. buffing the calloused heels, sides of the feet that were build up from strength training and endurance runs that eventually helped protect the bones but there comes a time when we need to buff those down to a smooth service. Your partner will thank you.

4. relaxing massaging of the leg and calf muscles to reduce tension. Why not? If feels good and again your partner will appreciate your good nature when you are finsihed.

5. no need for polish. A nice buffing will do. Actually that is my favorite part is the buffing block that is used with a special oil to really bring out the shine naturally.

Do your special someone a favor by having an Athletic sport pedicure at Indulge Salon located at the Colonial Shopping Center 970 S George St, York Pa 17403. Our phone number is 717.846,4424. Call to reserve time. Available Monday – Saturday

Categories: pedicure, spa manicure

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