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Defineyour color.Defineyou

Healthy living articles designed for business women featured by Indulge Pure Originals We started at Indulge Salon York Pa carrying natural body care products out of necessity because my skin was so dry that I scratched till the skin bled. That became problematic for me since I tried other lotions and creams but they burned my skin when I applied them. Safe body butter lotion bars are moisturizing on dry […]

Ready to go from brown to gray with your hair color? Meet Maggie K from Greensboro, Ga. She is a professional that was tired of coloring her roots every 8 days. She has been toying with the idea to take her hair from brown-to-gray to live more freely. Read more….. Maggie is a professional that is speaking on stage and has always been aware of how she appears as a […]

Ready to take your Hairstylist skills to the next level this year? Indulge Salon, York, Pa is now accepting applications for experienced hairstylists (8), hair colorists (2), barbers (2), nail technician (1) and estheticians (2) to perform at a high skill level to meet the needs of the salon. Our salon provides advanced on the job training in addition to one on one training with specific specialties such as hair […]

Categories: Announcements

Mom-to-be, we have just launched our first edition Lather, Scrubbed & Loved Magazine from Indulge Pure Originals. My daughter has started a magazine that talks about health of women in fitness, cross fit workouts, tanning and the benefits of it, beauty (my area) supplements to help your hair grow and your insides get healthier. She did a great job launching this magazine digitally available. As you can see, this mom-to-be […]

Hair broken off from over highlightening, over bleached, over processing? Call Indulge Salon immediately, schedule an appointment for a hair and scalp evaluation to make sure we can provide options for you.  Over processed  bleaching can burn hair off but can cause damage at the scalp causing open wounds that “weep”. We will suggest options such as appropriate conditioning treatments, a new haircut to trim off the burnt ends, consider […]

Want to try waxing your baby belly but not sure? Read on.. Not sure about waxing your baby belly mom-to-be? Want to have a brazilian “down” there but not sure? We have the solutions to give you confidence “down there” and protect your baby belly while being sanitary for a safe entry for your baby. Many mom’s-to-be want to have their entire body waxed prior to 28 weeks because they […]

Categories: Waxing

Baby belly feeling dry and itchy causing stretch marks? Dry skin causing stretch marks? We have the solution that goes on smooth like butter. Shower, rinse, apply Indulge Pure Originals lotion bar while wet, no more dry skin. We have been consumed with perfecting our lotion bars since 2011. To read more of our story go here Whether being a new mother or veteran mother, we are always concerned with […]

My favorite Lip color Glo Skin Suede Matte Crimson Lip Crayon feels like suede and stays all day! Need a lip color that is creamy, suede and moisturizing during your day? I’ve got the solution to those dry lips. You can eat, smooch and not worry about messing up your lip lines. Since we started carrying the Glo Skin lip suede lip colors. My favorite colors are Glo Skin Suede […]

Categories: Makeup, Makeup application

Want the roadmap to fuller thicker hair this year? I could give you the roadmap to the thicker fuller hair in a few short sentences but you know me, I have to explain it to you so that you understand what it takes to grow your hair. One of the essential changes in hair as you shed hair, lose hair or it started thinning to the point you have to […]

Categories: Anti-Aging, Blog, hair loss, Health

Bring on the new year new you for 2018 Ready to try a new haircut and color A part of letting go of the previous year is the art of allowing space for the new ideas for 2018. Feeling good about yourself for the new year is just as important as setting new goals. The saying, ” when you feel good,  you look good is so true.” According to the […]

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