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Avril Lavigne thought she was dying|Indulge Salon York Pa

I just read the article in People Magazine about Avril Lavigne.

Indulge Salon York Pa, Indulge Salon Lake Oconee mentions Avril Lavigne and her fight

Indulge Salon York Pa, Indulge Salon Lake Oconee mentions Avril Lavigne and her fight

She is absolutely beautiful even though she is coming out of a tough health crisis. She opened up about her devastating disease that kept her bedridden for months, no energy, barely could eat and just want to sleep.

One of my friends from years ago was bitten by a nasty tick that left her face with some paralysis. She is beautiful and had experienced some of the same things that Avril had. My friend changed her eating habits to a total vegetarian experience. Both of these ladies didn’t know what was wrong when they were going through this with some X-rays and MRI’s that were showing symptoms of MS. Lyme’s disease is from a tick that shows the same results on the X-rays.

Not knowing what is wrong without knowing a definitive answer is lonely, depressing and frustrating for women/men dealing with the symptoms daily. Fatique is the biggest challenge with achy muscles that won’t hold you up can be like a wet blanket laying heavy on your body that you can’t move away from. Thankfully hope is out there.

New methods such as pumping body full of antibiotics, sugar free diet, diary free and gluten free. They both had gone organic with their diet.

For more information contact Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Interesting facts and symptoms manifesting as the flu or MS. Over 25000 Americans were diagnosed in 2013. As Dr. Erica Lehman, a tick-borne-disease specialist says it is “the fastest – growing epidemic in the world” and the number of cases is underestimated because of the factors including imperfect testing and misdiagnosed symptoms similar to Parkinson’s, multiple sclerosis and lupus. Check out and I want to thank Nicole Sands for sharing this information to keep all of us informed.

Categories: Blog, Blonde Hair, Happiness, Health

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