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Be cool as a cucumber this summer

Salon York PA

Be cool as a cucumber this season. The weather has been warm and we have certainly seen some rain to nourish the rich ground. One of the primary nurses that watches over and cares for my son Carson, loves to make Cucumber Salad. Her version of it. She puts special onions and her magic sauce in it. My grandmother used to make it on the farm that creates special memories for me. I think she put vinegar in it. Other than that, I’m at a loss. Frankly, cucumbers are loaded with water which is good for your skin. It’s proven that cucumbers contain anti-inflammatory properties to reduce redness and eye puffiness. good for us that need our eye bags reduced in the nick of time. they are rich with B vitamins – B1, B2, B3, B5, B6 and folic acid. The skin is mostly water but it also contains ascorbic acid which is Vitamin C plus caffeic acid. These nutrients help soothe skin irritations and reduce the swelling. thi si the primary reason that cucumbers are an ideal spa ingredient fur use internal like shakes, smoothies and water as well as topically.If your skin is red and irritated, grab a cuke from the refrigerator and lay it on the reddened area for a few minutes. The area will reduce in size if it has swelled. Nice to have your own home remedies around when you need them. Bags under the eyes are a mild swelling or puffiness under the eyes. This symptom is common with age. With aging, the tissues around the eyes including some of the muscles supporting your eyelids actually weaken. Normal fat that helps support the eyes can then migrate forward into the lower eyelids, causing the lids to appear puffy. Fluid also may accumulate in the space below the eyes adding a swollen appearance. All of these symptoms are more of a cosmetic concern not a medical concern. If these concerns start to really bother you, consider some plastic surgery to remove the fat under the eye bag (looks like turkey fat or left over chicken fat and yes its yellow) giving a smoother appearance when the skin is then shifted up. If you would like more of an immediate lift without a facelift go to our web page at for more information on our facial treatments called Liftosome. This incredible treatment will give you a facelift without the surgery. It will literally move your muscles up in the first visit. We recommend at least 4 treatments for maximum results. We even do a treatment around the eyes to give them an instant lift. For more information call 717.846.4424. Because the skin is super thin around the eye, this is where the water retention is most prevalent and visual. In terms of a quick remedy to morning eyes, frozen cucumber slices are a great eye soother for an immediate result..

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