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I thought that might catch your interest. As you know, I have hit the magic years of the 40’s which is supposed to be the 30’s. Um, not sure about that statement. I feel like I’ve been working more than I ever have. I know we only have 24 hours in a single day but like you how in the world do we find time for ourselves in our 23 hour busy day doing what we do?

In your mind, your thinking well time management Kimberly. Of course, I love productivity and making the best use of my time. Unfortunately, I feel like I play catch up in many areas especially with taking care of myself. Those of you that know me personally, know that I don’t get much sleep. Some of this by choice and other nights not. Daily living can really break your skin down and so can managed stress. I really don’t think I’m stressed however according to some studies I’ve been reading maybe I might have a little.

What is really on my mind right now is my skin and how I look in the mirror to see what is looking back at me is not the 20 year old skin I used to have. It used to be firm and sunken in at the right places. Truly, I fight hard to maintain some youth by eating Hershey Golden Almond Nuggets, McDonalds soda in the morning, five workouts a week and taking some really potent vitamins and supplements through Advocare. I started searching out the best supplements to help my skin from premature aging due to stress and lack of sleep. What I found was vitamins that athletes use to maximize their performance. I feel like I’m a performer every day and that I needed some extra help. I feel so much better which leads me back to the topic at hand, my facial skin.

I have been using Guinot skin care for years now. Is it a miracle overnight to moisturize and hydrate, yes but these products do much more than that surface activity. I know everyone wants to look younger in fifteen minutes but it “ain’t” happening as we say in York County, PA. Nope, you need to look at this from a different angle. You didn’t gain weight overnight well your wrinkles didn’t happen overnight either. So let’s work on our expectations of our skin. What I’ve learned is that taking a proactive approach to our skin will help us increase the elasticity (like a rubberband) will improve and snap back as you need it to. Our collagen (like a netting underneath) has to stay firm in order to keep us pulled together. We need to fight this all the way girls! Saggy necks, saggy bags under the eyes is not helping our youthful appearance. We must feed our skin daily either with supplements and good skin care that has been researched in France and it does work.

I’ve been using a serum which dives into your pores at a faster and more effective rate than a cream does. I still use Age Logic Cellulaire over top Time Logic Age Serum from Guinot. Our skin care therapist, Priscilla, tells me to switch up the products so that my skin doesn’t get used to it therefore, I will still get the best benefits from these amazing products. The Time Logic Age Serum is used at night and during the day for me. This serum is really light and I put it on my face as soon as I’m out of the shower. I don’t even dry my body off till I apply the serum on my face. The reason is that anything that is on your body within seconds will be absorbed into the skin in seconds. How do I know this? I read a medical journal regarding absorption ratesof how quickly products can be absorbed into the skin

Salon York PA

Age Logic Cellulaire is a light moisturizer that has 56 actives and anti-oxidants that help fight the aging process. Retores smooth skin texture

. I know I’m a weirdo but be glad that I am because I can continue to give you valuable information to help you maximize your skin creams and lotions.

The Time Logic Age Serum has a revolutionary formula that repairs my skin at night when our bodies are supposed to be at rest. The body naturally does repairing on the cells and rejuvenates you. All of the experts say you should still try to get at least 8 hours of sleep and 8 glasses of water into your body per day. It doesn’t play catch up so take advantage of what you have. This formula does work during the day and can be worn underneath your makeup so no worries about caking or being to thick on your face. It’s so light you don’t even know you have it on. This serum will stimulate the metabolic energy of the cells for repairing.

It’s good to know that when I close my eyes at night that at least my Time Logic is working for me while I sleep. I can just picture all of these little agressive construction workers going to work on my cells repairing and rejuvenating my skin and protecting it for the next day. Be good to yourself girls!

If you want more information about repairing your skin and preventing wrinkles, go to for an advanced level of skincare or call the salon at 717.846.4424 to speak directly to our skincare therapist, Priscilla.


Salon York PA

Guinot Pleine Vie is designed for women going through the dry skin associated with menapause.

We have all had them erupt on our skin like a volcano. Yes, I’m talking the pimples that are hard to get rid of in the most inopportune times. I have had them appear out of nowhere at work and the only thing my customer was staring at was my pimple breakout. How embarrassing.

Our fingers are culprits of making our skin much worse than it should be. You know the saying, ” I don’t know where your hands have been.” is so true. We touch everything and some activities would really require a washing and sanitation. Afterwards.

Our skin is porous. This means that our skin has the ability to absorb whatever is on our skin on the outside and pulls it into the inside to a certain degree. This is another reason why skin care companies such as Guinot has perfected the absorption of product to reach into the deeper layers to heal the free radicals (bad guys) that are swarming around making us look older than necessary. These free radicals can be reduced naturally by reducing our:

a. stress levels. Try to relax and enjoy smelling the roses. I know that’s really good advice isn’t it? I have to learn to do this too.

b. eat lots of blueberrys and drink or take vitamin A, eat green leafy vegetables such as kale, chard and my favorite spinach. These feeds are also great because of the natural sulfur in them.

c. use the correct products for your skin. Did you know that at different age levels your skin requires certain ingredients that will either moisturize for flexibility or to nurture with more nutrients than when you were a frisky 20 year old or perhaps you are hitting the menopausal stage and require even more preventative skin care for that type of skin. I have been learning so much and fighting to stay young looking as long as possible.

d. I have experienced that happy people really age much better than the grouchy people. In my past years of experience with doing hair of people that have passed on, you can tell on their faces if they were happy or not. the skin does tell a story no matter how old you are. So fake it!

Enjoy life as much as you possibly can and enjoy the people that you love hanging around you. Life is way to short to be grouchy and stern with people that you can choose not to hang around. Even your family. Keep the grumpies away and you will start to look a whole lot younger than what you used to.

My last recommendation is to have a good cleansing to clean off the accumulated dead skin cells. you say, “how do you do that”. Professionally speaking, I recommend visiting Priscilla at our South George Street location. She is superb in her vast amount of knowledge in how to treat skin conditions. We have surprisingly headed off some major skin cancer that could have turned worse had she not mentioned it. this is a safe environment and our self esteem is at stake. So schedue your facial today which includes a gentle cleansing to loosen the dead skin cells, she will massage the creams and lotions into your skin to hydrate and do some cellular renewal if necessary. Then followed up with some good advice on which treatments and products to use.

go to to get yourself educated on how to really clean your skin.

or just make your life easier and call 717.846.4424


At Indulge Salon in York Pa! We have been perfecting the French haircutting  methods for years.  We train all of our staff in this method. The French haircutting is designed as a pattern maker that cuts the pattern then lays it out on the fabric and cuts to specific measurements to form fit the person in mind. Think of a men’s tailor. The tailor would pin up the cloth to the body and sew it perfectly for a form fitting suit that will minimize body imperfections in the build and at the same time make the body structure look even better by the cut of the suit.

I have a handsome male customer that recently went to China. He told me that he had several shirts made for himself and explained a similar process as I’ve described. He said they were the best fitting shirts he has ever worn. Obviously he looks great in anything he wears but imagine how good you feel if you had a form fitting outfit made for you?

Our French haircutting methods are superior in the movement of the hair, the volume that can be created on fine and natural hair, and the most amazing de bulking of hair that still gives a sexy appearance. With all of those benefits how can you go wrong. Each haircut is specifically customized for your face shape. We can cut the hair on specific angles to bring out your eyes or minimize areas of the face and neck area.

Gives us a call at 717.846.4424 or check out one of our locations nearest you at www.

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