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Defineyour color.Defineyou

We see generations of women come into Indulge, A Colour Salon 180 from Ordinary at all of our locations  and as always we hear everything from the daughter graduating from high school, to which daughter is pregnant and the next is heart disease or ailments and which doctors they are seeing. We hear it all and we also can head off some difficult news by lending an ear or recommending certain doctors that have well known reputations for certain types of ailments that can be confronted.

The cool thing about women and networking is that women like to help women. They will give suggestions on whom to see as far as professional due to their own experiences. Heart disease is more common among women and more genetically passed through the family. The reason it runs through the families is because family members make the same mistakes in eating fatty foods, not enough exercise, and fall into the same patterns. Isn’t that great news? We can change our future by better choices. Some better choices may be:

a. Eat more nutrient rich foods. Eat seven to nince servings of fruit and veggies per day. Save all of your baked and friedc foods for the occasional treat. This basically keeps your cholesterol and blood pressure down.

b. GET SOME EXERCISE every day. Get out of the mind set that if your not going to the gym or doing the entire workout with DVD, you may as well not bother. I used to have this mindset myself. Since I started working out since last October, 2011 I used to do 5-6 days a week for about 1 hour. Now I realized and educated myself that I do not need to do that many days or that long of a period. Our bodies were designed to be rigorous to catch our meal by running after it in short spurts. I know, now we just pull up to the window or throw it in the microwave. How many calories do you burn doing that? Good cardio in shorter times will be so much more effective and better for your heart. After reading the “Paleo Diet” I learned that really if we did these exercises in shorter spurts we sweat and burn calories quicker and the body responds. Even if you feel like you can’t get through 30 minutes, just tell yourself I will get better, with more practice, I will master this work out. You should have seen me in the beginning. I could hardly get my legs up in a V and hold them there. Today, I can do it with no problem. JUST START. You can do this in 30 minutes three days per week. You will still maintain even if you feel the need for a Hershey Golden Almond Nugget. (my fave)

c. If you smoke, QUIT IT! smoking damages the protective lining around the arties. That totally sucks and you are causing. Change your mindset by choosing to replace it with some other activitiy that keeps your hands busy and your mind busy instead of the habit. Otherwise, you will go back to your bad stinky habit.

d. Sing opera out loud. You can do this in the shower or the car or sing wherever. Crazy but it lowers your blood pressure by as much as 25 percent. This is according the Harvard scientists. With higher blood pressure, the heart has to work harder which leads to heart attack.

e. Get to the dentist regularly. I’ve learned that a party of bacteria can lead to heart disease. My son used to take an antibiotic 1/2 hour before his dental appointment to prevent any bacteria that may have accumulated which can affect the heart. That nasty bacteria of the mouth can lead to a stroke or heart attack. Taking care of your mouth every three months even for a cleaning can prevent heart disease by 24 percent.

f. Laugh more. Life is to serious. Try 30 minutes of laughing at sitcoms or a favorite video opens up those arteries. Who knew? Being happy and telling yourself to be happy is by far a better healer than getting sucked into the negativity. Choose to be happy. When you are happy and doing small things for yourself such as having a facial treatment or a nail service or something that gives you happy endorphins puts good stuff in your veins naturally which will reduce any long term negative affects that would require medication. Allows your blood to flow freely and reduces your blood pressure, according to the study published in the American Journal of Cardiology. This technique lasts up to 24 hours.

I believe that with these simple techniques that were recommended by Randall Wright, M.D. director of teh Neurovascular Institute at the Conroe Regional Medical Center in Texas and auther of The WRight Choice: Your Family’s Prescription for Heathy Eating, Modern Fitness and Saving Money has given us super women weapons against “hereditary genes” for heart disease and stroke. 


Salon York PA

the happiest day of her life! her wedding day

Being a mother is the most special job that I’ve been assigned. I have the pleasure of inserting my thoughts and values to my children Alex and Carson for 25 years. One day I said to my daughter, “I’m surprised you have survived my parenting.” We laugh and giggled about that statement because I have done a lot of out of the box parenting.

I have had to work many hours at the salon, make dinner, do homework (chemistry was really out of my scope of knowledge) and teach her other day to day activities so that she could be a self sufficient person that could contribute to society. I knew exactly how I wanted to raise her since she has been three years old. I happen to acknowledge this when she went with me to a Dale Carnegie Class in Mechanicsburg. The topic was How to Win Friends and Influence People. I have to let you know while I was teaching my topic, (because this was a very interactive class), my three year old blonde haired beauty was creatively drawing on the back wall with her colorful crayons. Who knew she would be so creative? This talent has served her well planning for her wedding. She created some signs for the pie bar she had and a beautifully decorated pane of glass that indicated which beverages would be available. She also created her own invitations and designed a website for her big day. I’m so very proud of her and the decisions she has made for herself.

I’m grateful that I stuck to my guns on our values and beliefs. She is the most amazing person that I know. She is kind, grateful and generous to others. She has turned out to be such a dynamic business person in marketing Mexican Resturants in Texas. She is a character. Her humor is more of a Jim Carey funny. You never know what she is going to do.

My son, whom has survived my parenting for eighteen years, is a blessing to me and others around him. He has been able to impact people without saying a word. You see, he was shaken at eleven weeks of age to stop crying. Unfortunately, he suffered brain damage to the point that he is now 100% dependent on me and the nurses to care for his needs daily.  He lives at home. We flew Carson to Alex’s wedding so he could attend her big day.

My gift was given to me on Wednesday May 9th, 2012. I had been granted guardianship of my son which gives me the opportunity to protect him and make decisions on his behalf since he is considered and adult. So that day was a monumental day as a mother. I cried in happiness.

So what does mother’s day mean to you? I don’t know about you, but I’m glad I’ve had the privilege of being a mother to my two children. I hope you have a super mothers day!.

Salon York PA

BiOxygene face cream from Guinot Paris located at Indulge, A Colour Salon 180 from Ordinary, York PA

Here it is!! Bioxygene face cream designed give radiance to dull lack luster over stressed skin.

I don’t know about you, but some days are not so radiant as they should be especially when I look in the mirror in the morning and say to myself “who are you?”If you don’t feel as young as you used to and you have the sallow, dull, tired look than maybe you should consider this new cream from Guinot. Why? This cream has three benefits:1. It adds oxygen to the skin on a cellular level – most skin that is truly asphyxiated (choking) due to lack of oxygen and the cells that are dehydrated, and have dead skin cells that have layered upon layer appear to be dull and lack radiance. 2. Protects your skin from pollution. I think this is a pretty bold statement considering what we actually do not see floating around in the air. This ingredient has an Anti-pollution filter effect which allows the skin to breathe. It feels soft to the touch and flexible not tight like other products we won’t mention. 3. Provides skin cells with long lasting moisture. This face cream allows the water levels to be sustained in order to keep balance in the skin. When we are under stress of the daily routines physically, emotionally and especially mentally, our skin will dehydrate because your body will take what it needs to survive. Other benefits of this new BiOxygene is that it has no coloring agents and 0 paraben (waxes) and it was not tested on animals. It does have natural active ingredients which will protect and provide radiance. when I tried this product tonight, I was pretty excited because I have to admit that I’ve been having some stressful moments and want to see how it feels on my skin. The results after application were interesting. I personally found the face cream light and airy. The light fragrance was clean not overpowering as some can be. The application used minimal amounts of product for my entire face and it felt smooth. My skin drank it in.the feeling is unique. I really like it. If you are a natural kind of gal than you would really like this on your skin because it’s so light in texture. Tests show that afer 1 month of treatments, the radiance of skin was increased by 2.6 points with a panel of 9 test subjects. Changes in moisture with the panel of 9 test subjects were increased by 44.6%. Pretty stunning results don’t you think? I know that I have had super dry, itchy skin in the past. The feeling of the tightness was daily to the point that I had used a night cream instead of a day cream to give me relief. Those of you that have dry skin no exactly what I”m talking about. Anybody with normal skin will enjoy the light feeling of this texture. You won’t have to worry about it being heavy on normal skin. Our Guinot Skin Care Professional recommends the Aromatic Facial Treatment or teh Hydradermie treatment that will lift the muscles underneath the skin to really give an advanced “facelift” appearance. Try the BiOxygene face cream as part of your daily regime. Let me know what you think. It only comes in one size which is 1.6 oz. Dab will you you!.

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