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Defineyour color.Defineyou

Ok…Problematic Situation…

As I come in the door from the gym, I turn to lock the two deadbolts, and glance at my favorite “goal picture.”  My goal picture is an advertisement of this gorgeous athlete model for Syntha-6 Protein Powder.  She has the most amazing rear, and of course, I want my rumple butt to look like that.  I thought that if I put it on my front door that I would see it and subconsciously (along with diet and exercise) look that fantastic sooner rather than later.

I noticed that the page was slightly bent from top to bottom on the right hand side, and suddenly I realized that it was literally plastered to the door.  I think even the tiny tape square (originally the only thing holding it up) has become part of the door. Here’s the dilemma:

I am RENTING.  Obviously, I’ve got to find some way to get this picture off the door.  Yes, I tried pulling at it a little, but it just rips and the remainder of the picture is glued to the door.  How embarrassing!  What in the world am I going to say to the ladies at the rental office?

“Uh..Hi yes,…see I have a slight problem…I have a magazine picture plastered to the back of my front door, and I  can’t get it off.”

Once they see that the picture is of a chick, and I’m the only one living in the apartment, they’re going to think I’m a little strange. Especially since men are usually the ones who have pictures of women lining the walls of their apartment.

Perhaps I should go in the office with workout gear on…and they’ll just think I’m obsessed with working out?

The point of this story?  Don’t stick things to your walls or doors that you don’t really want to get stuck there.  At least I physically can’t get rid of my goal picture—and for that I’m thankful. I now know that the image of the picture plastered to my door will never vanish from my mind.  Lucky me.

From the desk of an Indulge Full Throttle Lifer…

 Salon York PA


Salon York PA I have reached the “age” where I’m irritated with some hot flashes when its not hot in the house. I can’t wait to take my clothes off when I get home from work and put on some lighter clothing. I have also noticed the need for “time for myself” has become so much more important than it used to be. I like to be alone with my thoughts. If you know me, you know that I do not not like anything competing with my thoughts such as loud rock music from my staff, somebody talking to me while I’m in deep thought, trying to concentrate on writing some materials fro work and just the enjoyment of quiet time. I’m a fan of myself. I don’t know if you girls feel this way but I know that with the involvement of trying to maintain my youthful self there are activities I must do to ensure my fabulousness continues into my older years.

Symptoms of menopause are curious in the fact that hair grows out on the chin and other private areas that you certainly didn’t expect in your 30’s. Increased irritability when you don’t know why you snapped at someone that you really liked but maybe they just looked at you wrong. Normally this is a co-worker or family member. Wrinkles appearing around the eyes a little more deeper than the day before, sagging neck and cheeks ever so slightly, soft skin that has turned a little rougher due to the slower skin cell turnover, hyper pigmentation (dark spots on the face or body) and the bikini you used to where now looks like a thong. Geez, it’s not pretty naked girls!

The most noticeable item I see is the dark spots on the side of my face. I used to be cute but now a little more camoflage is needed to maintain my cuteness. They call this hyper pigmentation where you can either bleach it out but you can’t be out in the sun. So its a choice. Hmm. Sum or bleaching. Well, I was bad and chose the sun because it feels so good. Don’t tell Priscilla our skin care specialist she will have my hyde!

The word “older” has a different meaning than it did when I was 20. I used to think my mother was older like a dinasour. Now that I have reached 46 seeing older clients still active and involved in social activities and being social and still having an active sex life has more meaning. I see what their goals are and where they are at in their life. I see what I want and my goal was to retire from working behind the chair at 40. As you can see, I am working harder and have remained engaged with my business and feel better than I have ever felt mentally in my life. Now physically is a different matter. My sisters were always aerobic, active weight lifters and the results are that they have killer bodies into their 40’s. I on the other hand have struggled with the pooch in the front and the back boobs which are disgusting and since I turned 40, it got worse. No matter which diet or excersize program I encountered the weight was not coming off. Since this past year, I was determined to get the fat off. Will I be back to 125 lbs? I’m working towards that.  I wish but am happy to reduce the pant size at least by 1 size this year. Small steps. I often tell the nurses that care for my 17 year old son, I’m taking one for the team. This means that we are all in the same boat of the weightloss frustration. The one nurse is always purchasing the next diet program. God love her, I participate and get as excited as she does. We are a team and we are going to win 1 lb at a time. When we are down, we pick each other up, when we are up we high five in the kitchen. Whatever it takes is the mental game we play. I have a vision board that clearly describes what I want to look in that bikini. I’m sure you purchased some workout tapes that you were inspired to do every day until that day comes and you just don’t feel like it. Or the day that you are premenstral and you had to have the chocolate and didn’t think about the consequences of the bag of Hershey Golden Nuggets. I certainly didn’t when I was have a high emotional eating day until I had to do sit ups and couldn’t get up. I felt like a bus ran over me and swore I would never eat chocolate again. forget the moderation, NEVER AGAIN it wasn’t worth doing so many sit ups, crunches, lunges, and finally the frog position on the ball. Humiliation at its best.

As I was speaking to one of my wonderful customers whom I admire her figure and dedication to working out, she told me it would take 6 months to 1 year to see major results. I was shocked and angry at myself. I am going to stick to drinking lots of water and yes I’m still running to McDonalds every morning for my habitual large diet soda. Eventually, I will lose the soda and just stick with water and the protein in the morning. The experts say that the whey protein really helps weight loss. I say is this marketing or true. The one thing I absolutely value is the intense vitamins that you get in a drink. As we eat processed food we aren’t as a society getting all of the nutrients necessary to healthful living.

So girls, I now have a mantra. I AM WOMAN hear me ROAR! Lets take one for the team even if its 20 minutes here and there.  some solutions to our challenges are:

a. purchase an active peptide moisturization cream – we use Guinot products

b. Retinols or AHA’s gently turn over the cells whic h lighten the dark spots, smooth the skin texture and give the skin a glow.

c. Eye creams to add lipids to the thinner, more delicate skin tissue that becomes sensitive and dry

d. use hydrating serums or gels that add water and calm the skin when applied under moisturizers. I use serums because they go into the skin deeper especially during the summer months. I am dedicated to this.

e. Body lotions with AHA’s to smooth rough skin

f. Antioxidants, such as Vitamin C, A, E, or others to help fight free radical damage and encourage collagen production. This is important at our age.

So even if we take better care of our skin, we have other issues to contend with such as aging parents with their health problems, adult day care, empty nesting (my daughter graduated from college and moved to Texas) and now I have to think about funding a retirement program that the government may not be able to supplement even though I have contributed for a gazillion years while working. So I have shifted as many other woman have to looking at quality of life and maximizing my time and living values that are important to me. I also have shifted to choosing to be around really positive people. The environment you are in and around will affect or infect your health and mental well being. Protect it.


Salon York PA Goat’s Milk: The benefits

There are many amazing articles on the benefits of Goat’s Milk. is an excellent resource for learning the benefits of Goat’s Milk Soap.

Ph Level:

Keeping a balanced Ph level is extremely important for our bodies to maintain a healthy weight with minimal, if any, issues. The Ph of Goat’s Milk soap  is like that of human skin, therefore, it helps combat invasions of unfriendly bacteria and chemicals harmful to our bodies.


There are many fats and natural creams found in Goat’s Milk. It’s smooth and creamy texture helps to create a barrier against the harsh environments we live in. It’s fantastic for moisture, and if you’re not an extremely dry person, you could possibly even substitute Goat’s Milk soap for your daily moisturizer.

Sensitive Skin:

Alcohol, Petroleum, and Preservatives are only a few of the additives that can be found in commercialized, mass-produced skin care products. These additives can help to irritate skin by furthering an already noticeable rash, or becoming the main cause of a new skin problem.


Eczema is a skin condition where red, itchy patches of skin are found on the body. It’s extremely dry, and many people use Goat’s Milk soap because of the nutrients found in natural goat’s milk. It reduces the itchiness caused by the Eczema.


Goat’s Milk Soap helps acne and acne-prone skin because of all proteins power-packed into goat’s milk soap.


Alpha-Hydroxy acids found in goat’s milk are an amazing way to buff off dry skin, leaving a smooth and silky surface.


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