I wanted to talk about the minerals, vitamins and amino acids that are loaded in in seaweed. The complex values between nutritional to skincare regimes have known in cultures for centuries. Nice to know we are getting back to basics, however, with the current technology consumers are taking a closer look at their purchasing choices that feature more natural ingredients that support their skin from the inside out.
Did you know there are biological similarities between seawater and human plasma. The balance of nutrients in marine ingredients are similar to what the human tissue needs. This was explained by Angela Eriksen-Stanley, the director of education for Phytomer Group.
Our goal at the salon is to enhance and catalyze the skin’s repair process along with the marine products that will soothe and heal tissue rapidly which we call cell recovery. The process of the new skin cells coming up from underneath what you see on the top takes about 38-30 days. To appear younger and keep our skin younger looking we must work from the inside out by correcting damage underneath the cells will be repaired and smooth out the skin on top with constant renewal. This is why so many medspas and salon facial treatments are effective in removing the dead skin with fruit acids, hyluronic acids to slough off, clean off the dead cells that accumulate their appearing to “wrinkle”. When we constant remove them from the surface, our new skin will move to the top quickly and give our skin the fresh look and more youthful appearance.
Did you know there are over 40,000 species of seaweed? Fascinating. Thousands of types of algae available, product formulators have their work cut out which I have experienced. Every little item that you put into a mixture will have an effect on the result and outcome of the product. One comment was made believing that peptides extracted from green microalgae Chlorella provide amazing anti-aging benefits. the peptides derived from it provide amino acids to the fibroblasts. This helps to make collagen cellulite reduce. The bacteria Thermus thermophilus contain enzymes that help protect the skin itself. This particular bacteria was found on the coast of Japan in 1971 and is extremely stable because of the harsh environment that it was growing in. Though you might find this interesting, as we age Stem cells make repairs to our skin, but as we age they slow and even lose their ability to move around in the tissue to where repairs are needed.
You know when you put products on your skin and five minutes later and you have to reapply because it just hasn’t stayed. It’s like the cute football player that was really nice to look at but as soon as they open their mouth, your mouth drops open you want to give him back because it doesn’t have substance but was really nice to look at. This totally relates to product ingredients. Just because it smells good and great fragrance doesn’t mean its a great product. There is great diversity in product ingredients that are going into the products at the mall. For example, the second ingredient on your ingredient label called Petroleum is an oil. The equivalent of putting motor oil on your skin. This will penetrate the top layer of skin.
The beginning listing of products on the ingredient label will be the highest concentration of the actual product. The least amount of the product will be in the ending of the list. Keep that in mind for those of you that love to read labels. I’ve had a thorough education in ingredients. I was stunned when I learned how to make our products. Yes, you have to have a thickener but do you really have to have all of those chemicals in products anymore? No you do not. I’ve learned that you have to have some products that will “bind” ingredients together to keep the product together in a form but not necessarily use harsh chemicals.
For example, a question that I get often is why do you have to have preservative? Of course, when you are placing your fingers into a tub of moisturizer at the counter bacteria may have landed on your fingers without you even knowing it. Keep that in mind the next time you want to sample a product. Always use the spatula or dipping item to place the product in your hand. The preservative will KILL the bacteria that may linger after you are long gone. This ingredient will prevent bacteria causing agents to create pimples or other skin disorders that could develope. WE are careful at Indulge Salon with how we apply our products onto your skin.
Clients are clamouring into the salon and repurchasing the new Egyptian Musk. It comes in a creme’ pronounced Creme Brulee’. The lotion is really light as our customers have described.
You know I love feedback with any of our products and services. Our clients have expressed that they don’t like the”greasy” feel and you know that we don’t want the grease feel on our clothes linens or anything else our skin comes in contact with. When you use the Body Butter Bars, remember they are for the ultimate moisturization and then if you feel that a little scent would enhance your perfume than that would be a great addition plus the light moisture added.
I’m so proud that we don’t have the junk in our products like so many other moisturizing lines. I know because I have been seeking out the best products to compare ours to ensure that our clients are receiving the best result for their skin. If you would like to share with me your favorite product and why. I would truly love to hear what you have to say. Thanks for participating.