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Defineyour color.Defineyou

Salon York PA Summer is a great time to be outside enjoying the weather, great outdoors, beach, and sun. Although it brings great weather, it can be very harsh on our skin. Laying out at the beach the sting of sand blowing in the breeze, the hot sun on our skin can completely reverse the care we gave our skin throughout the Spring.  It’s so important to maintain lush, moisturized skin especially through the Summer in prep for Fall. Here’s what you can do to keep your skin healthy and maintained:

  1. Drink LOTS-O-WATER-At least 8- 8oz glasses of water or 4- 16 oz bottles of water. Water is extremely important, not just for our skin’s health, but our every day health. It helps release toxins in our body, which cleanses our bodies of impurities.
  2. Exfoliate-Be sure to use an Exfoliating Body Bar. Use in the shower, where it’s hot and steamy.
  3. Follow Up-Moisturize using your Indulge Body Butter Bar right after you get out of the shower. Only dab, dab, dab your skin-Don’t feel like you have to completely dry off. When your body is slightly moist is the best time to use the Indulge Body Butter Bar. Use it from head-to-toe, then buff. Gently use a washcloth to buff your skin. This will allow the amazing natural ingredients in the Indulge Body Butter Bar to properly penetrate the skin.
  4. Last, but not least-Make sure you use a SPF 15 or higher if you plan on being outside. Even if it’s overcast, the UVA and UVB rays can still burn you. It’s important to get into a routine for applying SPF to your skin before starting your day.

Should you follow the above mentioned, your skin will be properly cared for, moisturized, and supple. If you don’t have an Indulge Body Butter Bar, let me tell you, they are amazing! They start out at only $10 each for a block. They’re wonderful and come in several scents. Call either Indulge on S. George Street (717-846-4424) or on E. Market Street (717-718-4465) to arrange for a Body Butter Bar Consultation. We can even set aside some bars for you to pick up. Easy Peasy!

Have a Healthy Skin Day!

Remember…to live your life…Full Throttle!.

Are you ready for the newest highlights available only at Indulge on S. George Street and E. Market Street?

Summer starts with Sunset Diva Highlights from your favorite stylist atSalon York PA Indulge Salon. With 15 new highlighting techniques and 3 colors, your hair will love you! Choose from Amber, Golden Blonde, or Copper Blonde to create a color combination that expresses your personality. Designed to play off the sun, the Sunset Diva Highlights will be the best addition to your summer look.

The best part?

You get 15% off any Sunset Diva Highlight Color Combo now until July 15, 2011!

Schedule now to get your discount on this summer’s hottest trend!

Indulge S. George st: 717-846-4424

Indulge E. Market st: 717-718-4465

Visit for more information about our other color collections, products, and services.

Salon York PA Are you the type of person who is always adventurous, outgoing, and ready to go at any minute? Or are you more like moi, in that, you are routine-oriented and settled into a lifestyle of set schedules and timed out days?

Sometimes, it is due to our career choices and other times it’s due to our personalities, but sometimes we need to reach out of our comfort zones in order to fully develop. Here’s a great example: I am completely routine-oriented, living by a schedule day by day, minute by minute.

I know exactly what time my alarm will go off tomorrow morning, the time I will get out of bed, the time I will get out of the shower, turn on my computer, and finish blow-drying my hair. Then, I will prepare breakfast, feed the cat, grab a snack, and grab the keys to walk out the door. I never leave any later than 8:00 am. Every. Day. Due to the nature of my job, I am always a month ahead, planning the next month’s activities and events. It is because of this that I am always following a schedule. Time seems to fly by faster when you’re always planning a month ahead.

I am not great at embracing change either, but this week I have completely gone out of my comfort zone! I am not a last minute planner, and I, frankly, do not like doing things differently unless it has been planned a couple of days in advance. But whoa! Look out! This week-already-I have made plans to go with a girlfriend out for dinner and margaritas (the morning of, I might add), and tomorrow I have plans to go to dinner with a couple of friends. May I remind you that I usually always go to bed at 10pm every night. I will certainly be pushing the borders of my routine this week. Therefore, I challenge you, dear readers, to step out of the box, forget about your routine, and do things out of order. Stay out late. Embrace the change! Don’t worry, your routine will be there the next day.


Be sure to comment below and let me know how you lived out of the box this week!

Always Remember–Live your life…Full Throttle!


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