This is the last, Ladies and Gentlemen! The last part of How to Spring Clean Your Life. If you are just now joining us, you’ll want to go back to Part 1, 2, and 3. You don’t want to miss an area of your life in which you could totally re-vamp!
Our last section is our Environment. Specifically, I am talking about your home, apartment, condo, duplex, cardboard box…Wherever you call home. Your surrounding environment is extremely important and, believe it or not, contributes to your overall health and wellbeing. If you are surrounding yourself with so much clutter and “things,” you need to take a day or days, depending on how severe, and literally, Spring Clean your Home. Here’s a list of things you’ll want to drop off at your local Goodwill or Salvation Army:
Old books that you know are already gathering dust
Clothing that you haven’t worn in years
Clothing that still has the tags on it. If you haven’t worn it by now, then why did you buy it????
Shoes that are decades too old and unfashionable (then again, we might be biased because this is an Indulge blog, and, of course, we’re into the latest fashions)
CDs-Burn them to your computer, get rid of all of the cases and put into a larger CD case
Knick-Knacky stuff-Do you really need it sitting there collecting dust?
Comforters/Sheets-Get rid of the ones with holes or cut up to make dust cloths
Anything else that is junking up your home (Take an honest look around and tell yourself what purpose does that item serve)
Your home should be relaxing and inviting. Choose paint colors that are soothing and encourage relaxation. Hint: Vibrant red, black, orange, neon anything do not encourage relaxation (in fact, they up your pulse-constantly putting your subconscious mood in overdrive-It’s like starbucks double shots ’round the clock. No Beuno!).
Once your home is windexed, dusted, organized, de-junked, bleached, and washed, it will be the epitome of “Homey”. When you can come home to a clean, well managed environment, you will be less stressed, and you will have created a home in which to relax and feel at ease (which is the whole real definition of Spring Cleaning).
So-Good Luck! Let me know how the minor Spring cleaning improvements have affected your life.
We continue our lesson on how to Spring Clean our messy lives with Part 3…devoted to Spirituality.
Now some of you will argue there isn’t a God, but whether or not you believe in a Higher Power, we all possess a certain level of spirituality. If your spiritual cup is below empty you may be off balance in the rest of your life. Often seen as a spiritual pathway, immaterial, and unearthly, spirituality is a part of each and every one of us. You know those days when you feel off kilter, grumpy for no reason, and just indifferent to the world? We need to spring clean our spirituality to avoid those situations. Once our “spiritual center” is grounded either by attending church, meditation, yoga, prayer, or fasting, our balance returns and our overall wellbeing is improved. Our balancing scales in life are leveled out and we have less indifferent days. We become better aware of ourselves and our part in this whole world. So, get in better touch with your spiritual self and clear out, and find your inner peace. You’ll benefit not just on the inside, but everyone on the outside will notice a clear change in your attitude and outlook on life.
we continue our life cleaning path in tomorrow’s last and final post: Part 4…spring cleaning your environment
To recap from yesterday’s post: We talked about how sometimes our lives need a little Spring Cleaning action. There are several facets of our lives that need “weeding” so that we can flourish! Part 1 touched on Section 1; Self. “Self” has three subsections: Body, Beauty, Attitude. If you missed yesterday’s post you’ll want to go and read that. You don’t want to miss out on a VERY important facet of your life.
Moving on to Part 2. This section is all about your Career.
Whether you are in a job or a career (yes, there is a difference), your happiness is what really counts. It’s absolutely amazing how, if you’re unhappy with your job, it can affect many other areas in your life. If you find that you are stressed at your job all the time, and no matter what, you can’t stop stressing or thinking about (in the bad way–worrying all the time), then you need to stop. Really. Just stop and think about how your career or job is affecting you mentally, physically, emotionally. You deserve to be happy when you go to work in the morning, and your customers, or the people you serve deserve to have great products and services offered to them.
Really think about what you want in a career. If you have big dreams, start taking the small roads to get to the highway to get to that gold at the end of the rainbow. You have to start somewhere to get where you want to end up. So, spring clean your Career. If you aren’t doing what you love, then get out, and figure out what makes your engine roar.
I bet you’ll be thinking about this post while you’re on your way to work tomorrow…If so, let me know your thoughts by commenting!
Ps. You guessed it! Part 3 comes tomorrow with talk about spring cleaning your Spirituality! Stay tuned…