Mom-to-be, we have just launched our first edition Lather, Scrubbed & Loved Magazine from Indulge Pure Originals.
My daughter has started a magazine that talks about health of women in fitness, cross fit workouts, tanning and the benefits of it, beauty (my area) supplements to help your hair grow and your insides get healthier. She did a great job launching this magazine digitally available. As you can see, this mom-to-be had to find products that were good for her baby belly full of twins. They are almost 2.5 years old now but still using the products on herself and her twins.
We realized that if we felt that we needed to use more of a vegan product that worked that other mother’s would appreciate using a product that moisturized not just their baby belly but their baby to prevent dry skin, prevents diaper rash as a barrier and helps protect their baby’s fragile skin.
We are pleased to announce this magazine that is with Indulge Pure Originals, LLC. We started this company with grass roots in 2011. We started out with the Indulge Pure Original body butter bar to ease my dry skin. I remember almost slipping off the couch trying to coordinate the efforts of the formulator and myself to get the right combination of moisture without the greasy feel. It took weeks to get the perfect feel. I love the benefits of the lotion bars used in the shower. It feels smooth and melts into the skin leaving the skin feel soft and silky.
This is the best moisturizer lotion bar on the planet if I do say so myself. I just had a mom-to-be in the salon on Saturday. She is due in a few months and was scratching her belly. I was cutting her son’s hair. He was about 1.5 years old. Very busy little man. The parents were so attentive to their son it was nice to experience this. As I saw her scratch her baby belly, I knew that I could help her by coaching her how to use our body butter bars. I gave her the cocoa butter bar to use because it will give her the relief that she is looking for at home. We have three types the cocoa butter cream that glides onto the baby belly with ease without warm water but best used on warm skin. The lotion bar that is used in the shower while body is wet and warm giving the body butter bar more glide opportunity all over the body and other bits of the mom-to-be. Lastly, the soy creams and lotions are a lot lighter bust most effective on the skin in a healthy way. No need to worry about the chemicals because we don’t have any except the one ingredient the FDA says you gotta have which is the ingredient that kills bacteria from someone sticking their fingers into the jar after their first use in the jar.
All of our products are safe for mom-to-be. Our soaps are vegan and lather up gently easing the skin of itchy dry skin, annoying itching from dryness, and great for anyone that has ingrown hairs. Excellent for moms that waxing their intimate parts. Good to keep the sides of the belly moisturized and the top of the baby belly where it gets so itchy. No more itch. No more scratching.
For more information go here. Feel free to call 717.846.4424 for in salon products, or go to our website.