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Defineyour color.Defineyou

Mom-to-be, we have just launched our first edition Lather, Scrubbed & Loved Magazine from Indulge Pure Originals.


mom – to – be Alex Crawford pregnant with twins

My daughter has started a magazine that talks about health of women in fitness, cross fit workouts, tanning and the benefits of it, beauty (my area) supplements to help your hair grow and your insides get healthier. She did a great job launching this magazine digitally available. As you can see, this mom-to-be had to find products that were good for her baby belly full of twins. They are almost 2.5 years old now but still using the products on herself and her twins.

We realized that if we felt that we needed to use more of a vegan product that worked that other mother’s would appreciate using a product that moisturized not just their baby belly but their baby to prevent dry skin, prevents diaper rash as a barrier and helps protect their baby’s fragile skin.

We are pleased to announce this magazine that is with Indulge Pure Originals, LLC. We started this company with grass roots in 2011. We started out with the Indulge Pure Original body butter bar to ease my dry skin. I remember almost slipping off the couch trying to coordinate the efforts of the formulator and myself to get the right combination of moisture without the greasy feel. It took weeks to get the perfect feel. I love the benefits of the lotion bars used in the shower. It feels smooth and melts into the skin leaving the skin feel soft and silky.

This is the best moisturizer lotion bar on the planet if I do say so myself. I just had a mom-to-be in the salon on Saturday. She is due in a few months and was scratching her belly. I was cutting her son’s hair. He was about 1.5 years old. Very busy little man. The parents were so attentive to their son it was nice to experience this. As I saw her scratch her baby belly, I knew that I could help her by coaching her how to use our body butter bars. I gave her the cocoa butter bar to use because it will give her the relief that she is looking for at home. We have three types the cocoa butter cream that glides onto the baby belly with ease without warm water but best used on warm skin. The lotion bar that is used in the shower while body is wet and warm giving the body butter bar more glide opportunity all over the body and other bits of the mom-to-be. Lastly, the soy creams and lotions are a lot lighter bust most effective on the skin in a healthy way. No need to worry about the chemicals because we don’t have any except the one ingredient the FDA says you gotta have which is the ingredient that kills bacteria from someone sticking their fingers into the jar after their first use in the jar.

Indulge Pure Originals lmoisturising lotion bar

After waxing, body butter bar 100% natural lotion bar, great for baby belly

All of our products are safe for mom-to-be. Our soaps are vegan and lather up gently easing the skin of itchy dry skin, annoying itching from dryness, and  great for anyone that has ingrown hairs. Excellent for moms that waxing their intimate parts. Good to keep the sides of the belly moisturized and the top of the baby belly where it gets so itchy. No more itch. No more scratching.

For more information go here. Feel free to call 717.846.4424 for in salon products, or go to our website.

Hair broken off from over highlightening, over bleached,

Broken off hair replenished

over processing?

Call Indulge Salon immediately, schedule an appointment for a hair and scalp evaluation to make sure we can provide options for you.  Over processed  bleaching can burn hair off but can cause damage at the scalp causing open wounds that “weep”. We will suggest options such as appropriate conditioning treatments, a new haircut to trim off the burnt ends, consider shampoo for hair growth, supplements, and natural hair extensions to fill in the gaps for fuller looking hair if necessary.

Hair breakage can be devastating to the person that has experienced this situation. Emotionally this can be self deflating if you have been growing your hair out for years then all of a sudden the hair is short with uneven spots or worse dried out like a broom. Self confidence  can be diminished thinking that other’s are looking at you even when they may not be. Growing your hair out can take many months up to years to grow out along with using the right products as your hair grows out. Working with a salon professional that will be able to handle this level of damage is important to choose the right products and services for you while keeping your hair in good shape is important.

This past month has been full of incoming challenges to fix from other salons:

  • hair burnt off from chemicals being left on to long
  • hair broken and bristly from highlights being left on to long
  • hair looks like a broom that was splayed out with burnt ends
  • parts of the hair were missing 1/2″ from the scalp in parts of the head
  • hairline broken off from pony tail damage
  • strands of hair were left hanging on the head.
Broken uneven hair

BEFORE broken off hair from over processing

Listen to me folks, if you think or get the thought that you might be sitting under the dryer to long then you might want to ask the stylist to check you. IF you get that gut feeling that something isn’t quite right then maybe it isn’t and you ask the stylist to check your color again . If the color or bleach is on your highlighted hair to long than it most likely will break off when the cooler water hits it in the shampoo bowl. We carry the newest technology at our Indulge Salon, York, Pa locations that re-bond the hair inside while the hair lightens or darkens. The innovations in hair color treatments is spectacular especially when it comes to fragile hair. We are lucky to be partnered up with good companies that provide us with the right techniques to take best care of our clients.

Lighteners or bleaches have ingredients in them that when mixed with a developer  can cause damage if not handled properly. Hair salons are suppose to be professional by not leaving you alone. Cosmetologists go to classes to be updated with education to prevent damage to your hair and scalp and with the newest technology these days, it’s advisable that you ask when the stylist has been to the latest educational event or ask what type of new products do they have when it comes to lightening hair.

Salon professionals have a license for a reason. We are suppose to have advanced knowledge about products before we use them on a client. I am confronted with teary streaked faces that had just come from a a salon needing an emergency session! I feel bad for the client. I feel angry with the stylist that doesn’t have the education or skill certification to be doing the services.

You ask, “what can be done about my broken off hair Kimberly?”

First of all when it comes to hair that has broken off from chemical damage, we need to make sure the scalp is not damaged beyond the epidermis. If it is blistering or puss is coming out of wounds on the scalp, you will need to see a dermatologist and potentially a plastic surgeon. Yes, sessions like this can be this serious. Blisters can be developed in less than 3 seconds with strong metals in the well water or more alkaline water in the area. For example, if you live in an area that has well water, the ph level can be equivalent to a 14 which is like bleach water that you scrub your floors  to clean them. As a stylist, we need to be informed of medications that you take because whatever goes into your  body comes out through the hair, nails and skin. All ph levels for the hair should be around 4.5 – 5.5. There is much to know when working with the hair and the results of products such as shampoo and conditioners. I could go on and on but for the sake of this article today, I will leave it to the broken off hair due to chemical damage from over highlighting, bleaching incorrectly from other salons or from people trying to bleach their own hair which is disastrous.

We can do hair extensions to fill in IF you have enough hair to cover those installed. See our page on bridal hair extensions that I could into depth about the installation, maintenance and hair coloring extensions. If you have at least an inch at the scalp perhaps single strand extensions for a natural look. Still you will need about 6″ of natural hair to lay over the extensions. My suggestions are not an easy fix however immediately getting yourself to Indulge salon to evaluate your hair is a good idea!

Feel free to read our reviews, watch our videos on how to shampoo with the hair growing shampoo and more at FB:Indulgecolorsalon.

I know what it’s like to have lost hair from stress, thinning, shedding hair and breaking off at the back of my head from pony tails! I speak from experience. It took a year for my hair to grow back. It is still fine but fuller and thicker from using the right products.

Want to try waxing your baby belly but not sure? Read on..

After result of armpit waxing

After armpit waxing 1st time

Not sure about waxing your baby belly mom-to-be? Want to have a brazilian “down” there but not sure? We have the solutions to give you confidence “down there” and protect your baby belly while being sanitary for a safe entry for your baby.

Many mom’s-to-be want to have their entire body waxed prior to 28 weeks because they are uncomfortable moving around to shave or to reach their private bits. Armpits, legs, brazilian, bikini, facial hair can be daunting when pregnant because the hormones are leveled high in testosterone. Where to go? Indulge Salon York Pa of course.

Is waxing my baby belly safe for baby?

We have been waxing for years with the best waxing products available on the market along with the best techniques. Not all baby belly’s are created equal meaning not every mom-to-be has zero hair on their belly. Many women of ethnic backgrounds have more testosterone during pregnancy. The hair grows crazy over the belly down the mother’s line and of course “down there”. We have specialists that wax baby belly’s that are sanitary and comfortable for moms-to-be. Baby is not affected, the wax is not hot but comfortable and soothing. We aren’t pushing hard on the baby belly, we are gently moving and gliding the wax or strip in the direction is has to go.  Sort of fun if you can imagine it that way. We apply with a spatula type of stick then let it cool and peel off. Other types for those pesky hairs that don’t want to be removed because they are textured and coarse will have to be removed with a strip wax. The strip wax is applied and not cooled but a waxing strip is applied then peeled off. This is brisker but the baby might like all that activity. the baby belly may move around as we work the baby belly. Afterwards we massage your baby belly which feels really good and relaxing. It’s not a long massage however; we remove the excess wax if there is any and just relax you and baby.

Our private room is designed for private conversations around brazilian waxing which I am a fan of because we have to talk about private areas and how the different type of waxes work and how we wax you and your baby belly. We have a variety that are smooth and conditioning, we have other types of waxes that are hard wax that peels off by itself yet it won’t pull on the skin just the hair pulling those stubborn hairs out that need to come out. If you know how you feel with hair that is running rampant over your body then you know what I’m talking about. Your skin is stretched so far out in front with your baby belly you can’t see to shave with the razor any longer and the field has been left go. We have to pull those wild weeds to make it safe for your baby to enter this world. Safely.

Can you wax other parts of my body like my nipples that are hairy?

This is Kimberly, owner of Indulge Salons York, Pa. I have been waxing moms-to-be to help them feel safe and cleaned up before going into delivery with their babies. These moms-to-be do not like being bedraggled with un-groomed hairs that need to have managed. We can wax your underarms, your chest, nipples, baby belly, buttocks, legs, arms, back neck and face. Did I miss anything? Hair free mom-to-be! This process may take a few hours depending on how much you need done but rest assured you can potty any time you like and we will keep you hydrated during the process.

You see, the razor causes small hairline cuts into the skin therefore; could cause intestinal problems, ingrown hairs, unsanitary problems for the baby if the razor was old and sitting in the shower. I have many Dr’s that are clients in our salon that talk about many of the issues that we just talked about here. Ladies and moms-to-be, be so careful before you deliver your baby. No need to take the chance of giving your baby a bacterial infection when this can be prevented. We can do a brazilian  1 – 2 weeks before you deliver giving you a clean under carriage from front to back. Moms-to-be don’t have worry about the nurse attending shaving you, you don’t have to worry about bacteria or hairline cuts on the labia and you can feel confident you are good to go for about 4 weeks till you need to go back in for maintenance again. Believe me, we would love to see your baby and you healthy.

Think about this the next time you shave with that old razor. We also have vegan Oatmeal soap that is made with goats milk and is more of a gentler soap preferred over harsh chemicals in the soaps bought in grocery or drug stores. We know what is in our soaps and lotions bars that are healthy, prevent ingrown hairs and moisturize the skin.

If your skin has gotten so much dryer during your pregnancy, try the Indulge Pure Originals lotion bar that is designed for a woman’s hand to glide over her baby belly. 

Use in the shower after washing with the Indulge Pure Originals soap, apply while wet (in the shower) hold under the warm water and glide over your baby belly. You will love the feeling and this lotion bar can be used on your entire body. Remember to pat dry not rub off your lotion that you just applied. Turn off the water and be careful stepping out of the shower mom-to-be. If interested go here.

We have a fabulous new magazine that we launched for 2018 called Lathered, scubbed, rinse you can read here

You can learn so many ideas about your health and contributors that are interested in your health and well being overall from vitamins, exercise, energy, etc. Enjoy its free!

For more information regarding waxing “down there” or baby belly waxing please feel free to contact us at 717.846.4424 or learn more at

Categories: Waxing

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