Kimberly’s grown hair 2.5 years after hair loss. All natural hair growth
2.5 years ago, my hair was thinning to the point I was

Kimberly’s actual hair brush with daily shedding in the begging of hair loss
concerned that my hair wouldn’t grow back.
Due to the amount of stress I was undergoing from personal setbacks, my hair was taking the brunt of it. It was fine, thin and just hung on my neck looking stringy. Of course I was using Biotin but it wasn’t enough. I was getting more stressed by seeing the hair collect in the drain and my brush. I had a bald spot right in the front of my hairline. Worst area to cover up with root spray.
We lose 80-100 hairs a day naturally. New hairs replace the lost hairs.
You may not know this but the hair goes through the shedding phase daily. Unfortunately, the hair that is thinning can be from other ways that start to compound to baldness. As you see in the picture below, the hair around the hairline was very thin from 8 months ago. The 2″-3″ of new growth that has stayed is a high achievement for her. When our bodies were younger, the hair growth spurts seemed faster but as we age, the process is slower.
Have you ever heard someone say, “my hair never seems to grow beyond a certain point.”
Small changes in hair habits can change your hair life.

hair loss around the hairline, feathery fine thin hair

Kimberly removing her ponytail – causes breakage to fine thin hair
I am a hairstylist that has been transforming hair for over 30 years correcting brassy hair, creating life changing color for my clients. When my hair started to thin out I was baffled. My client consultative skills had to be turned on me to just to figure it out how to grow my hair back. After examining what I do as a routine or “hair habit” then set out to adjust those damaging habits. There are many hair habits that were damaging beyond just the stress. Stress in the body can last up to 1 – 3 years.
Sleeping with my hair up in a pony tail is one of the worst habits to do. How do I know this? Because my hair broke off in the middle of my head in the back. Once day, the stylist was trimming my hair said, “Kimberly, you don’t have any hair in the middle of your head in the back.” She turned me around for me to see the back of my head, she was right, no hair! All of the hair that was in the pony tail day after day was from the front sides of my head. Embarrassment mixed with the “what am I going to do?” became a priority. Strands cannot be deemed as long hair.
I started noticing my clients fine thin hair. We talked about what they were doing on a daily basis and figured that I was doing the same thing.
This one little change can stop breaking your hair immediately!

Permanent hair loss from ponytails as a young child (actual client)
3 Questions to ask yourself
Did you find that you style your hair the same way every day?
Do you comb your hair the same way from the top of your head to the bottom of your hair?
Have you taken your products to the salon to see if you are using the right products for your hair?
Those three questions are one of many that we have to talk about in discovering the solutions to your hair habits. Solution One of the surest way to stop breaking your hair is to start brushing your hair from the bottom to the top. This allows the pesky hairs that knot up quickly to separate then move to the top of the head as a smooth transition. Solution two will be to use an excellent conditioner that helps detangle your hair before the brush or comb touches your hair. Solution three is to use one of our hair growing shampoo’s that is designed to grow hair. Solution four is a sure best to not break your hair is to use an elastic type of hair band that doesn’t break the hair when pulled up. Try to move your pony tail around the head to prevent the stress on the same areas day after day. (this was the biggest culprit of my breakage)
Our experienced stylists can suggest hair color ideas that will appear to make your hair thicker. A full consultation on the right haircut that gives more bulk to the hair giving the appearance of it looking thicker and fuller. When you come into the salon we will talk about home maintenance products to nourish, thicken and give volume to your hair.
Tiny changes to hair habits will establish big results quickly
With these small changes in hair habits, your hair will start to grow in conjunction with the right habits to give you the desire of hair goals. I know of many woman that have used the same brush that they had in high school. Why? Because nobody thought to ask or talk about which tools are the right ones to give them the correct result. The brush can wear out over time. The old hair that has shredded or broken off probably is still in the brush.
I had to change up the comb I used to start combing from bottom of the ends of the hair to the top of the head. That was an adjustment. I had to clean out my brush. My hair was fragile at that point. When I started using a hair growing shampoo, my scalp started itching and thought I had another problem. There wasn’t another problem it was the shampoo doing its job. My hair was growing in the follicles where hair was gone. Only lasted about a week then the itchy part stopped.
Are you eyeglasses causing hair breakage?

Pulling glasses off can cause breakage
Yes!! Have you noticed that when you pull them off your face, some hair comes with them. Keep pulling the hair out of the eyeglasses will give you breakage that looks like frizzy hair. I’ve seen this time and again over years but it didn’t dawn on me until I had grabbed some hair along with my glasses. Be mindful of removing your glasses from your face. This immediate change will give you instant relief in your hair. It still takes 1/2″ a month to grow the hair but at least it’s not breaking off anymore.
After 30 days my hair felt thicker and fuller. I was getting compliments on how shiny my hair was. I started to gain some self confidence back from the changes that my hair was going through. People were coming up to me to compliment my hair. It was growing in to the point that the hair was thicker nearest the scalp and still fine and thin on the ends.
Jaw clips for pony tails stress fine thin hair. They break your hair every single time they are clasped.

Fusion/Resin type of adhesive for baby fine hair attachment of hair extensions to natural hair.
I stopped putting my hair up in pony tails because the hair was fragile. Once I stopped that, big improvements came faster and faster plus the added benefit of hair staying on my head. Many clients asked if I had hair extensions. I said no, that I wasn’t interested in them for myself. Another solution to fine thin hair is hair extensions. As you can see in the picture below, we added hair extensions to another client to make it look fuller and thicker.
Adding hair extensions in a slightly lighter color will give the concept of fuller thicker hair depending on the technique. This is especially effective for fine thin hair that shows through the scalp. This can be done with highlights two shades lighter than your natural color. See more at www.indulgesalon.com – click on hair extensions
Stress, diet, surgery, medical conditions can be related to loss of hair

Hairline thinning from not enough protein

After treating the hair for months.
Using hair growing shampoo that works. We have a strategy that has been used on hundreds of our clients in the right order to get the quickest and fastest results. Within two weeks, you will stop shedding hair. I thought it was a miracle when it happened to me. I was starting to love my hair for the first time in my entire life. I always have had fine hair but had no idea how much my hair was breaking off in addition to the stress shedding, lack of sleep not eating the right foods, lack of working out to get the blood flowing and who knows what else I wasn’t doing right for my own self care. For those of us that take care of another family member that takes all of our attention, you know what I’m talking about.
Stress can cause all kinds of negative effects long term. Most times you aren’t aware till the hair starts falling out. Then it becomes a top priority. Solutions as mentioned above are just some of them. You can call about a solution customized for you. Comes down to a few tiny changes that will give you a super big result in the quickest amount of time.
Schedule your private consultation
with Kimberly or any of our senior stylists that have authority on hair loss, hair breakage and the solutions for you to bring your hair back to life. Call 717.846.4424 (York) 706.999.9911 (Lake Oconee, Ga)Our team will discuss what is going on with your health, some of your habits, we will read your hair because your hair tells us a story then go from there. We will discuss hair color, condition of the hair, texture of the hair, what we recommend to get you on the road to recovery for your hair.
Positive reinforcement with tiny hair habit tweaks makes you feel happy
Here is my hair after 2 years of using the same solution I would recommend for you. Can you see how thick the hair is nearest the scalp? The ends that are longer and see through is what was at my scalp about 1 year prior. All of the hair is healthy.

hair extensions for fine thin hair, She has always wanted thicker hair. By installing hair extensions on one side, she was able to experience the hairstyle she has always wanted

Hair dreams hair extensions last 5 months

installed hair dreams hair extensions to thicken the bottom of her hair

hair thick and thin

1 year of new growth. You can see Kimberlys hair is fuller and thicker