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Peter Guber speaking in St Louis

Peter Guber speaking in St Louis

Sometimes we all of have to get a fresh perspective and step outside our every day “box” of life. Often times, I think to myself, how can I improve to be the best I can be? What can I do better for my clients that have trusted to come to me to have the faith that I will give them the best hair advice, the best haircut to shape their face and lifestyle and color their hair to give them the glow that may have left years ago.

That is what I am doing this week. I am out here in St. Louis getting ready to meet some pretty impressive people from diverse business industries from sports to books, to you name it, that I’ve been hanging out with for a few years. They helped me see business in a different way for the better, they have helped me run my business better and I have forged great relationships that in turn have helped them. I’m pretty fortunate. One of the gentlemen I will be meeting is Peter Guber. You say who is he?

Peter Guber is Chairman and CEO of tPeter Guber is the Owner and Co-executive Chairman of the NBA franchise, the Golden State Warriors. He is the Co-owner of the Los Angeles Dodgers, the storied Major League Baseball franchise, led by the Guggenheim Baseball Management group headed by Mark Walter together with Magic Johnson and Stan Kasten. He serves as Chairman of the Board of Directors for Mandalay Baseball Properties, a subsidiary of Mandalay Sports Entertainment which includes professional baseball franchises, sports marketing and venue management. Read more about Peter Guber at

The multimedia Mandalay Entertainment Group. Prior to Mandalay, Guber was Chairman and CEO of Sony Pictures Entertainment, Chairman and CEO of Polygram Entertainment, Co-Founder of Casablanca Record & Filmworks and President of Columbia Pictures. Guber produced or executive produced (personally or through his companies) films that garnered five Best Picture Academy Award nominations (winning for Rain Man) and box office hits that include The Color PurpleMidnight ExpressBatmanFlashdance and The Kids Are All Right. If that isn’t enough…..

He is now promoting a book Tell To Win.  Check it out on Tell to Win by Peter Guber

Categories: Announcements

I remember the night preparing to deliver Alex. You get the usual instructions to prepare a bag (remember this was 28 years ago and processes are much more sophisticated now) I had my bag packed, my husband and mother were waiting with me. I was huge! I gained about 35 lbs and we were encouraged to do this for the health of the baby. I already knew from previous measurements that my baby would have large thighs and would be tall. To say the least I was a little nervous. I remember she

Alex Acworth Crawford turns 28

Alex Acworth Crawford turns 28

used to kick me and push her foot up under my right rib while I worked behind the chair in the salon. I would push down her foot and she would push it right back up again. Determined mindset even then. I had special moments after a long day, I would lay in the tub (yes we did that then) to relax my back and she would move around and I could gently push the side of my belly and she would push out. Pretty neat I thought. I couldn’t wait to see her. My special cravings were pizza and liters of ice water.

At 2:30 in the morning, my water broke and my family team rushed me to the hospital. The staff had to prep me by placing the monitor on my stomach amongst other tasks that don’t need to be talked about here. I think all in all that part was the most constricting. You could see the contractions coming on before they came on and wham you were belted over with pain. At 6:57 a.m, my almost 10 lb, 23″ daughter Alexandria Marie Acworth was born. She was beautiful. No wrinkles, plump skin and perfect. She had baby fuzz hair that I had to attach hair accessories with velecro.  I was elated! I was able to hold her in my arms for the first time just amazed at the miracle. I am grateful to be her mother. She has taught me patience and she has tested them also throughout the years.

During those trying middle years where they don’t know who dragged the mud inside, or who didn’t clean the cat box, or who left the laundry in the dryer as a JOKE, I had to learn to choose my battles. One of my many stories about raising Alex was that she was pretty clever with electronics. Every day, I would just walk into her room to talk with her and all of a sudden a screaming shrilling alarm went off making me leap off the ground about two feet scared the you know what out of me. I had to have her uninstall her new contraption however that was pretty darn clever of her to alert who has stepped of her private territory. She has worked in the salon since she could walk. She folded towels answered phones, swept floors just everyone else. I’m glad I was strict with her however; as parents we can’t love them enough. They need to be told every day how much we love them. We have this favorite saying, ” I love you around the world and back”

Alex Acworth focused and determined, Indulge Salon York Pa

Alex Acworth focused and determined

Now after 28 years, I am amazed that she has survived my parenting. I love her and her originality of living life. She beats to her own drum and as parents reading this also discover how smart we become when you youngsters turned 21 needing our guiding thoughts. Basically, they ask, “do you have an extra gas card?”, “how do I sign up for this or that?”or “can you put some money on my account at college?’. I need to go shopping! Right. Now its about mowing the lawn, working out for cross fit, traveling with her husband and discovering her family of animals and which stray cat with the one eye she will be adding to her family.

As Alex has matured in her own way, I find that I don’t need to tell her what to do. We “collaborate” on ideas and when we meet we just relax to enjoy each other. Sometimes we just walk arm in arm so excited to just be close and we just smile appreciating the time together.

I wish you a very Happy Birthday Alex Acworth Crawford!

Love Momma Bear

Categories: Announcements
Model photo of Wella

Model photo of Wella

What do you think of the newest haircolor on this model from Wella?
I’m really interested to know what you think with the grey silver tones plus the blush colors that are intermingled for dimension. At first, I wasn’t sure but the more I see the more I like it. I’m tempted to try it. the cool thing is it’s hair color and it can be changed in seconds.

If you would be so kind to let me know your feelings, impressions, opinions, I would be really grateful.


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