Indulge Salon
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Defineyour color.Defineyou

Last weeks weather was incredible!  After waiting and waiting for spring to appear, it felt like we jumped straight into summer! Boots were relegated to the closet and the flip flops came out!!!

Salon York PA Were your feet ready for it? Flip flop ready is what I call it … although it goes far beyond the casualness of flip flops and covers sandals, peep toes, and even the more office-appropriate sling backs. It’s not about just sporting some nail color, but getting the nails and cuticles trimmed and the rough skin exfoliated from your heels and soles.

Call our 970 South George Street salon at 717.846.4424 and schedule a mani/pedi or check out our website for some of the options we offer at

Categories: Blog, nail services, pedicure
Salon York PA

Butternut blonde with multi-dimensional tones throughout the hair tones

I love our Indulge Signature Color Collections and the Butter Rum Blondes collection is one of my favorites!  We offer it once a year from April 15-30. Great blonde colors with names like Hot Butter Rum and Creme Brulee … they even sound sexy – don’t they?!

We offer a 15% discount on any of the colors in the Butter Rum Blondes collection, but hurry up and schedule an appointment because we start next week!

Check out some of the colors in this amazing collection on our website at and see if you have a Butter Rum Blonde waiting to emerge! Then call us at 717.846.4244 to schedule an appointment before we put this great collection away again until next year.


Categories: Blonde Hair, Hair, Highlighting

Salon York PA

LeptiLean™ is my secret weapon for weight management. As if it were not bad enough that I need to combat cravings for sugars and starches (and yes … diet soda), even when making healthful choices there is the constant need for moderation and portion control.

LeptiLean™ is an herbal and mineral supplement by AdvoCare that actually promotes a feeling of fullness and satiety and boosts the metabolism to help burn even more calories.

I love the AdvoCare line, that’s why we carry it at Indulge Salons. Stop by or call us at 717.846.4424 to learn more about the AdvoCare products we carry (at a discount!) and what supplements might be sitting in our salon right now that could help you better manage your weight and your health for a more beautiful you from the inside out!.

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