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I’m a sporadic spring cleaner. With random bursts of energy (or sometimes frustration …), I find myself tackling odd deep cleaning jobs in spurts.  Totally unplanned I’ll suddenly clean out the silverware drawer, wiping down all of the different compartments and replacing clean flatware, and then pleased with that minor accomplishment, I’ll move on to a kitchen cupboard. Anything but the plastic storage container cupboard — that’s beyond help in my house!

Anyway, this weekend I found myself cleaning out the bathroom closet and vanity. But more than just cleaning — I purged!!!  It’s funny, I haven’t used any other brand of lotions or body butter since I started Indulge Pure Originals, but for some reason I still had half empty bottles of drugstore stuff just hanging around. Not anymore! I got rid of expired sunscreens and medicated lotions, moisturizers I will never use. I cleaned and organized my makeup brushes and disposed of a few not worthy of saving.

Then I made a quick list of the few things I was low on and needed to replenish. Now, not only does everything have a nice clean place, it’s grouped together by type of product and is visually pleasing instead of cluttered. It was a pleasure to get ready in my spring-clean bathroom this morning! I challenge you to do the same.

Salon York PA

And please remember Indulge Pure Originals ( as you get your vanity spring-clean. I’ll write more on them later — but if you’ve tried them, it’s a great time to update them; and if you haven’t, it’s the perfect time to stop by either of our York salons at 970 South George Street or 2801 East Market Street and pick up a body butter bar and lotion.


Salon York PA

As much as I am looking forward to spring, the blustery and bitter cold reminds me each time I go outside that it isn’t spring yet. And although I would never even consider leaving home without SPF on my face and neck, I do admit that for quick jaunts when I am getting in and out of the car and just going from here to there, I do not always bother to protect the skin of my hands with lotion and gloves.

This is one time of year I always give extra consideration to indulging in a full blown spa manicure, instead of just getting may nails done. A spa manicure not only keeps my nails in tip-top shape but soothes and nourishes the skin of my winter-weathered hands. I love the Almond Spa Manicure we have at Indulge Salons for only $30. It’s perfect in winter because almonds have great moisturizing properties for my skin and cuticles, the pampering is overdue, and the almond scent is heavenly!

Salon York PA

The Indulge Salon at 970 South George Street in York PA carries a full line of nail services. Our skilled technicians are trained as experts with natural, acrylic, and fiberglass nails, fills, shellac, and gel finishes, in addition to a full line of pedicures services. Find out more at or call us at 717.846.4424 to schedule an appointment today.


In the salon industry, do you know one of the very first sure signs of spring? A rush of clients scheduling skin peels (also called chemical peels). Yep, we always see a flurry of activity around this time of year of people that want a serious treatment that will help improve the pigmentation of the skin, and reduce the appearance of acne scars, mild sun damage, large pores, and fine wrinkles.

BecauseSalon York PA our skincare specialists at Indulge Salons will not perform these treatments as it gets closer to the sun filled days of summer, the rush is on now! Skin peels are a serious procedure that removes the top layer of skin. Because of the resulting “new skin” that is left is considerably more susceptible to sun damage and skin discoloration, we stop scheduling peels as spring days get warmer and start beckoning all of us to spend time outside. It is important to seriously limit sun exposure for at least three weeks after a peel, and despite your promises and best intentions, that’s just too hard for most of us to do once the weather is really nice.

Indulge Salons offer a variety of peels in different strengths to address different key skincare issues. This article explains in greater detail what the differences are and what you should consider in this type of skincare treatment.

Contact an Indulge Salons skincare specialist at 717.846.4424 today to schedule a consultation. Visit our website at to learn more.


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