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Defineyour color.Defineyou

Make your biggest entrance going back to school with these newest versions of highlights such as Ombré highlights that focus on the middle of the hair and gets lighter towards the ends. Celebrities have enjoyed this over the summer season. Another version is the Brazilian Copacabana balayage highlights that we have introduced in the beginning of summer this year for 2012. These are done more in a contrast painted on […]

Excessive hair loss can be depressing especially when you comb your hair in the morning and see the hairs lingering behind in your comb or brush. I bet you are wondering how in the world has this happened? Am I not healthy? Is there a problem? Is there enough to donate to locks of love for cancer patients? I personally thought this was interesting since I am going through this […]

Louise Brooks “the bob” Want to be awed? This haircut is so perfectly done at Indulge Salon of York PA. This Louise Brooks bob is perfect symmetry on the perfect face. Yes, it is shorter on the sides and can be customized for the face shape and cheeks. the Louise Brook bob will bring out the biggest eyes you have ever looked upon. I used to do this haircut many […]

Indulge Salon, York, PA has your favorite scents in Indulge Pure Originals Citrus and Indulge Pure Originals Tropical Coconut moisturizers and lotions. Citrus is such a happy fragrance that is not over powering nor heavy when applied. This scent can transport you from a dowdy day to a happy and energetic day just by smelling it while in the shower and applying the lotion right after while your body is […]

It’s here! The newest lipstick Tangelo from Young Blood Mineral Cosmetics. We have carried this makeup line for years and I must say this season for color is hot and bright. Tangerine orangy colors are amazing. They stand out for brightness and make pale skin look brighter, they make dark skin look beautiful too. As you can see in this picture the lipstick is moist and will not dry your […]

Whoa! You may want to experience the most beautiful highlights in the world. These balayage highlights started in France and have edged their way to Hollywood with Cameron Diaz, Nicole Ritchie and others that have graced the magazines. You can be a celebrity too with these types of highlights. Sensational natural looking color that looks like you were in the sun all day and for that matter all summer. The […]

It’s that time of year again at Indulge Salon, York PA. We ask you ARE YOU BEACH READY? We have the beach ready checklist that includes: underarms waxed? highlighted hair two weeks before beach trip? hair trimmed up? bikini wax? brazilian wax? this means everything goes down there! Pureology Essential Repair Color Max packed in your beach bag to protect your hair color from sun damage. try one of the […]

We are so excited to introduce to you the Hot Stone therapy pedicure by Kim Tinker, Sr Manicurist and pedicurist at Indulge, A Colour Salon 180 from Ordinary on South George Street in York Pa. This hot stone pedicure experience is exceptionally relaxing. She massages the hot stones designed for the feet  and up to the knees. This type of pedicure is customized to relax the muscles with the heat […]

Categories: Announcements

We see generations of women come into Indulge, A Colour Salon 180 from Ordinary at all of our locations  and as always we hear everything from the daughter graduating from high school, to which daughter is pregnant and the next is heart disease or ailments and which doctors they are seeing. We hear it all and we also can head off some difficult news by lending an ear or recommending certain […]

Being a mother is the most special job that I’ve been assigned. I have the pleasure of inserting my thoughts and values to my children Alex and Carson for 25 years. One day I said to my daughter, “I’m surprised you have survived my parenting.” We laugh and giggled about that statement because I have done a lot of out of the box parenting. I have had to work many […]

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