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Defineyour color.Defineyou

If the dreary winter weather has you feeling blah, a bright new shade of lipstick might just be the answer! A pop of color on your lips can brighten your whole face and of course a good lipstick like the Youngblood collection we carry at Indulge Salon York, PA protects the lips from moisture loss. Indulge carries 20 luxurious, moisturizing shades of Youngblood lipstick that are lanolin-free and offer a […]

Do you have trouble passing up the box of chocolates a coworker brings in to share? One chocolate candy seems so harmless … so “not worth counting” … just a little treat. Until, of course, it turns into another … and another. If you think you are better off resisting the first one so as to not be tempted into a second, consider a different chocolate indulgence—a Chocolate Facial. Chocolate […]

Did you know that a broken heart is not all in your head, but can be accompanied by legitimate physical symptoms? The medical profession recognizes it as “stress cardiomyopathy” which mimics a heart attack including chest pain and labored breathing. Unlike a heart attack though, the symptoms are not caused by heart disease. When we suffer emotionally from a painful loss, the body experiences hormonal surges that actually restrict blood […]

I think I’m going to treat myself to this great little Neiman Marcus number! I love the classic cut and the sexy but sophisticated lines. The winter weather and dry heat are taking a toll on my skin though and pulling off this dress means I am going to need to pay a little extra attention to making my arms and legs soft, supple, and smooth—dry skin is not sexy!!! […]

It’s a happy new year to you from Indulge Salon, York PA. I’d say that making new year’s resolutions are a good start to the decision making idea! The difference between making a goal and actually do the goal is a time line. If you aren’t happy with the way you look either your weight, how you look or let’s go further such as your finances. We think it is […]

Have you ever wanted to learn how to apply your makeup? This is the gal for you! She will teach you how to apply your makeup in the most natural approach. she will consult with you to help make your eyes stand out, your cheeks glow and your lips bloom like buds on a flower. Michele is really excited about continuing to keep herself educated on the best techniques that […]

Categories: Blog, Career

I thought that might catch your interest. As you know, I have hit the magic years of the 40’s which is supposed to be the 30’s. Um, not sure about that statement. I feel like I’ve been working more than I ever have. I know we only have 24 hours in a single day but like you how in the world do we find time for ourselves in our 23 […]

Based on our years of working with a variety of conditioners  not all are created equal nor are they all beneficial to the health of your hair. I have been in this industry over 26 years and have seen products come and go. These newest products that are salon purchased truly are the best due to the commitment from our salonI professionals that specialize in creating superior solution oriented conditioners […]

Categories: Blog, Hair

It’s not just skin deep. No way. It goes deeper than that when you are trying to manage your stress. For example, I’ve been going through some really stressful situations personally that I don’t talk about to anyone except me, myself and I. As you problem do the same, I discovered that my skin was incredibly itchy and I couldn’t get a release on that itchy problem. It wasn’t dry […]

Excessive hair loss can be depressing especially when you comb your hair in the morning and see the hairs lingering behind in your comb or brush. I bet you are wondering how in the world has this happened? Am I not healthy? Is there a problem? Is there enough to donate to locks of love for cancer patients? I personally thought this was interesting since I am going through this […]

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