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Defineyour color.Defineyou

your feet are really saying to you! If your feet are dry and cracked, this may mean that you are standing on your feet to long  causing pressure points that the skin has built up some calluses to protect your body. Try soaking them in epsom salts if you don’t have time for a pedicure. This is the next best situation. The magnesium sulfate helps give them relief. Your feet […]

Categories: Blog, nail services

I couldn’t wait to share this recipe with you. It is scrumptious! A friend of mine shared this with me and I thought I would try it. It has a bit of southwest flair to it and normally I don’t go to far out of my recipe box with this type of food but I did and WOW! I ate almost the whole bowl. It’s good it’s low calorie so […]

As you know from my previous blog regarding the type of passengers that usually end up beside me or around me, they have gaseous output that can make me have an unpleasant experience in my travels. Let me share today’s experience with you…… I have this thing that happens to me when I travel that compels me to look at everyone’s hair or how they look because it’s my job […]

Categories: Blog

Indulge Salon, York, PA has your favorite scents in Indulge Pure Originals Citrus and Indulge Pure Originals Tropical Coconut moisturizers and lotions. Citrus is such a happy fragrance that is not over powering nor heavy when applied. This scent can transport you from a dowdy day to a happy and energetic day just by smelling it while in the shower and applying the lotion right after while your body is […]

It’s here! The newest lipstick Tangelo from Young Blood Mineral Cosmetics. We have carried this makeup line for years and I must say this season for color is hot and bright. Tangerine orangy colors are amazing. They stand out for brightness and make pale skin look brighter, they make dark skin look beautiful too. As you can see in this picture the lipstick is moist and will not dry your […]

Whoa! You may want to experience the most beautiful highlights in the world. These balayage highlights started in France and have edged their way to Hollywood with Cameron Diaz, Nicole Ritchie and others that have graced the magazines. You can be a celebrity too with these types of highlights. Sensational natural looking color that looks like you were in the sun all day and for that matter all summer. The […]

It’s been a whirlwind this week training our team at Indulge,  A Colour salon 180 from ordinary in Greensboro, GA. I flew in on Wednesday May 30th to a beautiful sunny day. I was waiting by the big Air Tran suitcase that is in the middle of the drive to pick up passengers feeling a slight breeze on my skin. It felt so good. I was excited to be training […]

Ok…Problematic Situation… As I come in the door from the gym, I turn to lock the two deadbolts, and glance at my favorite “goal picture.”  My goal picture is an advertisement of this gorgeous athlete model for Syntha-6 Protein Powder.  She has the most amazing rear, and of course, I want my rumple butt to look like that.  I thought that if I put it on my front door that […]

I have reached the “age” where I’m irritated with some hot flashes when its not hot in the house. I can’t wait to take my clothes off when I get home from work and put on some lighter clothing. I have also noticed the need for “time for myself” has become so much more important than it used to be. I like to be alone with my thoughts. If you […]

Goat’s Milk: The benefits There are many amazing articles on the benefits of Goat’s Milk. is an excellent resource for learning the benefits of Goat’s Milk Soap. Ph Level: Keeping a balanced Ph level is extremely important for our bodies to maintain a healthy weight with minimal, if any, issues. The Ph of Goat’s Milk soap  is like that of human skin, therefore, it helps combat invasions of unfriendly […]

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