Indulge Salon
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Defineyour color.Defineyou

This is the latest in hilighting. The process of coloring the base color either blonde or keeping it natural with some chunkier highlights located through the middle and to the ends is the entire focus of this technique. We have perfected the process by applying some natural looking highlights in sections that “peek” through the base color. Ask for it! low maintenance and it will not require a regular hilite […]

Are you ready for the newest highlights available only at Indulge on S. George Street and E. Market Street? Summer starts with Sunset Diva Highlights from your favorite stylist at Indulge Salon. With 15 new highlighting techniques and 3 colors, your hair will love you! Choose from Amber, Golden Blonde, or Copper Blonde to create a color combination that expresses your personality. Designed to play off the sun, the Sunset Diva […]

Of course WE Do! Then again, we are absolutely in love with all shades of color! We like to focus in on different shades, however, and for the next week and a half we are “highlighting” Blondes (pun absolutely intended!) for our annual Blondes on the Run event! Come in for highlighting, color balances, retouches, double processes and they are all 15% off! We are also offering specials on all of your […]

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