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Eyelash lift and tint for natural looking eyelashes is the process of lifting the lashes around a rod then perming them to the perfect curve then tinting them with a safe color giving the result of a beautiful natural looking lash. Its a great alternative to Eyelash Extensions for a natural healthy approach to growing your lashes. Eyelash extensions are great for the person that can maintain a 2 week […]

Eyelash Lift & Tint creates fuller lashes Solution to translucent blonde lashes is with the eyelash lift and tint offered at Indulge Salon, York, Pa. Lashes look fuller and thicker naturally when they are lifted and tinted darker giving an eye opening effect. Save $15 off your first set today. Go here to fill out your new client visitor form to receive your discount via email now. Our client Christy […]

Categories: Eyelash extensions

Indulge, A Colour Salon 180 from Ordinary (Indulge Salon York Pa) is HIRING experienced hairstylists, hair colorists, estheticians, waxologists, nail technician, front desk coordinators… We would like to invite you to experience Indulge, A Colour Salon 180 from Ordinary (Indulge Salon). Bring your experienced skills in haircutting. hair coloring, hair extensions, eyelash extensions, facial magic, waxing, nail technology and awesome customer service to the table.        Bring your […]

Traveling hairstyles – what happened? Would the fashion police capture you? Does your hairstyle, makeup and dress reflect who you are when traveling? Hmm, think again. From what I saw, it looks like we as a beauty industry have some hardcore work to do. To those travelers that put some effort into their look, congratulations for keeping America beautiful. I have to say that I wish I had taken a […]

Celebrity eyelash extensions turn your short stubby lashes into fuller and thicker  Instead of dreaming of lashes, you can have your first full set in an hour. Celebrities don’t have to be the only ones to have fuller thicker lashes in the movies. You can have them too. Celebrities aren’t born “naturally” with long lush full lashes. Have you ever watched the mascara commericials and see the models with full […]

Categories: Eyelash extensions, Makeup

Did you get your celebrity eyelash extensions yet? Eyelash extensions are the rage right now gracing the celebrity magazines, to the run ways, to good ole’ York County, Pa. We want our lashes to look that good without mascara, without having to take our make up off at night. This is one of the secrets to looking younger. Eyelash extensions that look like you are a celebrity. Fuller, thicker lashes […]

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