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I thought that might catch your interest. As you know, I have hit the magic years of the 40’s which is supposed to be the 30’s. Um, not sure about that statement. I feel like I’ve been working more than I ever have. I know we only have 24 hours in a single day but like you how in the world do we find time for ourselves in our 23 […]

We have all had them erupt on our skin like a volcano. Yes, I’m talking the pimples that are hard to get rid of in the most inopportune times. I have had them appear out of nowhere at work and the only thing my customer was staring at was my pimple breakout. How embarrassing. Our fingers are culprits of making our skin much worse than it should be. You know […]

It’s not just skin deep. No way. It goes deeper than that when you are trying to manage your stress. For example, I’ve been going through some really stressful situations personally that I don’t talk about to anyone except me, myself and I. As you problem do the same, I discovered that my skin was incredibly itchy and I couldn’t get a release on that itchy problem. It wasn’t dry […]

Indulge Salon, York, PA has your favorite scents in Indulge Pure Originals Citrus and Indulge Pure Originals Tropical Coconut moisturizers and lotions. Citrus is such a happy fragrance that is not over powering nor heavy when applied. This scent can transport you from a dowdy day to a happy and energetic day just by smelling it while in the shower and applying the lotion right after while your body is […]

Being a mother is the most special job that I’ve been assigned. I have the pleasure of inserting my thoughts and values to my children Alex and Carson for 25 years. One day I said to my daughter, “I’m surprised you have survived my parenting.” We laugh and giggled about that statement because I have done a lot of out of the box parenting. I have had to work many […]

Here it is!! Bioxygene face cream designed give radiance to dull lack luster over stressed skin. I don’t know about you, but some days are not so radiant as they should be especially when I look in the mirror in the morning and say to myself “who are you?”If you don’t feel as young as you used to and you have the sallow, dull, tired look than maybe you should […]

Going back for more… This was the deciding factor for me to have a second skin peel about 6-8 weeks apart. My daughter is getting married and I must look good for the photos because the last forever. I just had the second chemical peel done and it was as strong as the first one because I wanted to get rid of the wrinkles around my eyes and mouth. Wow, […]

Getting ready for your Valentine can be daunting. You may want to prepare to have a smooth flow to your date about 7 days prior to your special evening. To help prepare you for your evening’s festivities, we wanted to ensure that you have enough time to grow out the bikini area or if you want to go full out with the Brazilian experience by all means get ready. We […]

I have reached the “age” where I’m irritated with some hot flashes when its not hot in the house. I can’t wait to take my clothes off when I get home from work and put on some lighter clothing. I have also noticed the need for “time for myself” has become so much more important than it used to be. I like to be alone with my thoughts. If you […]

Goat’s Milk: The benefits There are many amazing articles on the benefits of Goat’s Milk. is an excellent resource for learning the benefits of Goat’s Milk Soap. Ph Level: Keeping a balanced Ph level is extremely important for our bodies to maintain a healthy weight with minimal, if any, issues. The Ph of Goat’s Milk soap  is like that of human skin, therefore, it helps combat invasions of unfriendly […]

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