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Defineyour color.Defineyou

Welcome Anthony Bruno our newest staff member working at Indulge Salon, East Market St, York Pa. He hails from Brooklyn, New York. His new position is Front Desk Coordinator scheduling your hair appointments and coordinating services. Read more about Anthony on our webpage, East York. When Anthony and I interviewed together, he told me he wanted to have his own recording of his music. Listen to his music which […]

Categories: Announcements, Happiness

Luxury hair or luxury car? I know what a choice right? I was in Independence, Ohio this past week learning new business processes to bring back to the salon world. My world. I am constantly introduced to new people, new concepts in business that I bring back to you, our customers at Indulge salon. I am always up for conversation regarding business if you every want to talk about these with […]

Is your online bank safe?  As far as history goes we are used to going into a bank developing a relationship with the bank teller and the loan officer. We actually cared about the teller and their kids learning about their family and vice versa. Relationships were about trust and knowing if someone had a good banking history with them and for years at a time. Fast forward to today, […]

My assistant is one of the most organized and detail oriented people I know. She actually has a checklist for holiday entertaining that starts 10+ days before the family dinner she is hosting. Now, these family dinners are no small ordeal … 12–15 people, family and friends, some of whom come for the weekend, gather for an extravagant meal at a table set with the family china and silver, stemware […]

If the dreary winter weather has you feeling blah, a bright new shade of lipstick might just be the answer! A pop of color on your lips can brighten your whole face and of course a good lipstick like the Youngblood collection we carry at Indulge Salon York, PA protects the lips from moisture loss. Indulge carries 20 luxurious, moisturizing shades of Youngblood lipstick that are lanolin-free and offer a […]

Did you know that a broken heart is not all in your head, but can be accompanied by legitimate physical symptoms? The medical profession recognizes it as “stress cardiomyopathy” which mimics a heart attack including chest pain and labored breathing. Unlike a heart attack though, the symptoms are not caused by heart disease. When we suffer emotionally from a painful loss, the body experiences hormonal surges that actually restrict blood […]

From Dr. Oz moisturizers and the skin I watched this video and I thought you might find it interesting like I did. This recaptures the thoughts I had when I was searching out the best moisturizers to cure my intense dry skin. I didn’t flake, it was just itchy and dry. It could have been some stress related skin condition too, however; I did not have it treated. As I […]

It’s not just skin deep. No way. It goes deeper than that when you are trying to manage your stress. For example, I’ve been going through some really stressful situations personally that I don’t talk about to anyone except me, myself and I. As you problem do the same, I discovered that my skin was incredibly itchy and I couldn’t get a release on that itchy problem. It wasn’t dry […]

Indulge Salon, York, PA has your favorite scents in Indulge Pure Originals Citrus and Indulge Pure Originals Tropical Coconut moisturizers and lotions. Citrus is such a happy fragrance that is not over powering nor heavy when applied. This scent can transport you from a dowdy day to a happy and energetic day just by smelling it while in the shower and applying the lotion right after while your body is […]

I love mint. It’s so refreshing. I first discovered mint at a seminar in Dallas, Texas. It was this huge group of business people that I hang out with and of course they keep the room next to arctic temperature. Those of you that know me, know that I prefer the Sahara desert temperature and that I can wear a sweatshirt when its 90 degrees out! I know weird but […]

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