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Defineyour color.Defineyou

Is your online bank safe?  As far as history goes we are used to going into a bank developing a relationship with the bank teller and the loan officer. We actually cared about the teller and their kids learning about their family and vice versa. Relationships were about trust and knowing if someone had a good banking history with them and for years at a time. Fast forward to today, […]

LeptiLean™ is my secret weapon for weight management. As if it were not bad enough that I need to combat cravings for sugars and starches (and yes … diet soda), even when making healthful choices there is the constant need for moderation and portion control. LeptiLean™ is an herbal and mineral supplement by AdvoCare that actually promotes a feeling of fullness and satiety and boosts the metabolism to help burn […]

I’ve told you before about my diet Coke habit. It’s crazy really, because I know it isn’t good for me … but then, life is a little crazy … and I find myself giving into the craving for the sweetness of a soda. Let me tell you about a product line we carry at Indulge Salons that has really helped me in my constant struggle to resist the cravings, drop […]

Force yourself to enjoy a glass of red wine tonight because of the health benefits … okay, maybe it won’t require any great sacrifice on my part to imbibe in a little vino this evening. Here’s the deal: red wine is considered to be good for you (in moderation of course) because it contains the antioxidant resveratrol, which is is said to slow the oxidation process that causes aging. Grapeseeds […]

Colour Explosion Party: T-12 days Red heads have a reputation for being temperamental, passionate, and wild! But the diverse shades of red, running from the deepest auburn to the brightest carrot top, show that no two are alike — in looks or personality! Let’s explore some other “red myths” and look at the benefits of red. Does it cost more to insure a red car? It probably costs a good […]

Did you know that a broken heart is not all in your head, but can be accompanied by legitimate physical symptoms? The medical profession recognizes it as “stress cardiomyopathy” which mimics a heart attack including chest pain and labored breathing. Unlike a heart attack though, the symptoms are not caused by heart disease. When we suffer emotionally from a painful loss, the body experiences hormonal surges that actually restrict blood […]

It’s a happy new year to you from Indulge Salon, York PA. I’d say that making new year’s resolutions are a good start to the decision making idea! The difference between making a goal and actually do the goal is a time line. If you aren’t happy with the way you look either your weight, how you look or let’s go further such as your finances. We think it is […]

From Dr. Oz moisturizers and the skin I watched this video and I thought you might find it interesting like I did. This recaptures the thoughts I had when I was searching out the best moisturizers to cure my intense dry skin. I didn’t flake, it was just itchy and dry. It could have been some stress related skin condition too, however; I did not have it treated. As I […]

Welcome Kelley Dreyer! Kelley came on board with Indulge Salon about three months ago and has loved working with us since then building her architecture of haircuts for both men and executive women. She loves reading and talking about her son and her fluffy dog Lilly! Kelley is a fun loving woman that stays on top of style, trends and especially building the haircut to suit the face shape and […]

It’s not just skin deep. No way. It goes deeper than that when you are trying to manage your stress. For example, I’ve been going through some really stressful situations personally that I don’t talk about to anyone except me, myself and I. As you problem do the same, I discovered that my skin was incredibly itchy and I couldn’t get a release on that itchy problem. It wasn’t dry […]

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