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Defineyour color.Defineyou

In my last post I talked about Ombre—the French technique that creates a gradual transitioning of color—and how it is becoming so much more prevalent in fashion and home décor these days. Check out this beautiful dining room and how the color transition calms the room in an almost lyrical way.  It’s beautiful isn’t it? Trendy and current, but by no means something that seems more appropriate for your daughter’s […]

There is nothing new about fashion and interior design inspiring and borrowing from one another. Think about the wild patterns of the 1960s and 1970s used in both wallpaper and dress fabric, or the bold, structured looks that became so prevalent in both how we dressed and decorated our homes in the 1980s and 1990s. Over the past few years we have seen the French technique of Ombre—a gradual transitioning […]

I’m a sporadic spring cleaner. With random bursts of energy (or sometimes frustration …), I find myself tackling odd deep cleaning jobs in spurts.  Totally unplanned I’ll suddenly clean out the silverware drawer, wiping down all of the different compartments and replacing clean flatware, and then pleased with that minor accomplishment, I’ll move on to a kitchen cupboard. Anything but the plastic storage container cupboard — that’s beyond help in […]

Do you have spring fever too?!  I cannot wait to open windows and to see the first signs of new life and rejuvenation! Somehow spring fever and spring cleaning go hand-in-hand for me: it’s the urge for a fresh start and a realization that all of the little things I do to make my house a home are much more effective when my home is really clean. Skin care is […]

We see generations of women come into Indulge, A Colour Salon 180 from Ordinary at all of our locations  and as always we hear everything from the daughter graduating from high school, to which daughter is pregnant and the next is heart disease or ailments and which doctors they are seeing. We hear it all and we also can head off some difficult news by lending an ear or recommending certain […]

Being a mother is the most special job that I’ve been assigned. I have the pleasure of inserting my thoughts and values to my children Alex and Carson for 25 years. One day I said to my daughter, “I’m surprised you have survived my parenting.” We laugh and giggled about that statement because I have done a lot of out of the box parenting. I have had to work many […]

Normally, I skim the yahoo headlines (briefly!) every morning before beginning my day, and lately, all I’ve been seeing are articles about our “economic climate,” stocks, and the feds, and,to be honest,…I’m sick of it. My brain is overloaded by all the chitter chatter of the downturn of our economy. I studied economics in college, and yes, there are a zillion facets to our economic environment, and a million things […]

Searching Google on Sunday brought me to an amazing video blog by TheLipstickDiaries. I always like to research new and inventive ways to creatively do my hair in the morning. So, after watching the tutorial, I decided to try it out! The best part is that you don’t have to use a curling iron or flat iron to complete this Vintage Curls look. Here’s what you need in order to try […]

So I was flipping through the channels the other day, and stopped on the widely known America’s Next Top Model. I don’t watch it regularly so I have no idea what cycle it was, but it was interesting and quite insightful. They had this drama coach on there who was teaching the girls about bringing out themselves (the inner self). They were supposed to do an exercise where they were […]

This is the last, Ladies and Gentlemen! The last part of How to Spring Clean Your Life. If you are just now joining us, you’ll want to go back to Part 1, 2, and 3. You don’t want to miss an area of your life in which you could totally re-vamp! Our last section is our Environment. Specifically, I am talking about your home, apartment, condo, duplex, cardboard box…Wherever you call home. Your […]

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