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Defineyour color.Defineyou

A note from the co-manufacturer of the hand-made Indulge Skin Care Items… Consumers are faced with thousands of choices when it comes to deciding what they put on their skin.  A few products are truly amazing, some are pretty good, most are so-so, and some are downright lousy. What defines the difference between a truly amazing product and a downright lousy one?  First and foremost, it is based on the experience […]

There’s no question about it. Life can be stressful. At times, it can feel like it’s coming at you from every angle. I’m told, however, it’s not the type of stress, it’s how you deal with the stress– that is the concern. Each person has their own individual way of “dealing” with it.  Some people get red in the face, others feel physically ill, and some just back into a […]

After reading “Why Mom Wakes before Dad,” an article by, I found that women have different circadian rhythms from men.  Researchers at Harvard Medical School headed up a study that looked at how easy it was for the participants to fall asleep and stay asleep. Apparently, there are two indicators of circadian rhythm: core body temperature and levels of melatonin.  What I did not know was that the “natural circadian […]

This is the last, Ladies and Gentlemen! The last part of How to Spring Clean Your Life. If you are just now joining us, you’ll want to go back to Part 1, 2, and 3. You don’t want to miss an area of your life in which you could totally re-vamp! Our last section is our Environment. Specifically, I am talking about your home, apartment, condo, duplex, cardboard box…Wherever you call home. Your […]

We continue our lesson on how to Spring Clean our messy lives with Part 3…devoted to Spirituality. Now some of you will argue there isn’t a God, but whether or not you believe in a Higher Power, we all possess a certain level of spirituality.  If your spiritual cup is below empty you may be off balance in the rest of your life. Often seen as a spiritual pathway, immaterial, […]

To recap from yesterday’s post: We talked about how sometimes our lives need a little Spring Cleaning action.  There are several facets of our lives that need “weeding” so that we can flourish! Part 1 touched on Section 1; Self. “Self” has three subsections: Body, Beauty, Attitude. If you missed yesterday’s post you’ll want to go and read that. You don’t want to miss out on a VERY important facet of your life. […]

As much as I love to grow beautiful flowers, sometimes it just does not work.  I’m not sure if it’s the soil I use, too much water, not enough nurturing (I’ve heard that if you talk to your plants, they’ll grow…hmm..), or maybe I just don’t have the Martha Stewart touch. Regardless, I do what I can, and as I am pulling out the dead leaves from underneath my plant, […]

I’m going to tell you a story, with which you may possibly relate.  I thought I’d jump out on a limb and allow my friend to color my hair. Mind you, my hair was in desperate need of attention. Picture this: regrowth about 4 inches out, split ends like nobody’s business, dry, absolutely zero (and I mean zero) shape, body, or volume, and I was in the mindset of “what’s […]

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