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Defineyour color.Defineyou

Gel manicures help grow flimsy nails Gel manicures have proven they help support and protect flimsy nails. For about 20 years I’ve worn acrylic nails and was very happy with the way they looked till I received a green shade of fungus as a result of being in and out of water. Being a hairstylist working in water, hair color, bleaching processes and general rough handling of my nails they take […]

Try our Indulge Classic Aromatic Facial! Our classic aromatic facial delivers the most relaxing, stress reducing treatment that will take you on a stay vacation here in York, Pa.  The Indulge Classic facial with essential oils gives an aromatherapy experience to take your stress away. Manual manipulations with techniques that help with lymphatic drainage from sinus cavities. The Indulge Classic Facial includes lymphatic drainage helping to reduce chronic sinus congestion, fluid that […]

Categories: pedicure, Skin Care, spa, Stress

Try our Rose Petal Pedicure April only, our Rose Petal Pedicure and Citrus Pedicure is on special for $35 till April 30th. The Rose Petal Pedicure is a pretty pedicure. Meaning it smells soft and floral like a fresh cut rose. Relaxing. We have customized fizzes that were created from our Indulge Pure Originals body creams and lotions lines exclusive to Indulge salon to soak in your warm water. Our […]

Categories: nail services, pedicure

Hey ladies, Friends need to share time together to re bond. Look at the way these girls did it. They wanted to have their hair done together. Now look at them! they had retouches (base root color) with highlights. Thank you hair stylists Bretina and Amanda for doing such a good job. Our stylists taught them how to style their hair.  If you are interested in having some friend time call […]

Oh crap, you forgot to recognize your professional on Secretary’s Day. Well, at least you can make it up like I am. Owners, managers, you got busy doing the day to day things and the next minute the day has slipped by until your eyes pop opden like a shot thinking how could I have forgotten these amazing people that work with me and for me. Yep, I did it too. […]

It’s coming around the corner quickly. 14 days away till May 10, 2015! Think about how special your mom (or someone that has been a mom to you) and all of the sacrifices she has done for you through the years. She has fed you with good food while you threw it off your tray table (young or old), helping train you in the ways to help you blossom into […]

Good morning everyone! I want to introduce you to our newest team member Maria LoPresti, our natural nail expert manicurist and pedicurist. She hails from Pittsburgh, Pa brought here to Indulge Salon, York, Pa. If you have ever been plunked down in a new area where you don’t know anyone, you know how hard it is to get used to a new environment, finding new Dr’s, dentists, gynecologists, hairstylist, manicurist, […]

I ran across this article regarding athletes that have better performance in their sport with regular pedicures. This made perfect sense to me especially with the golfers that frequent our salon on the S. George Street location. The general population feel that pedicures are for women or a “girly” thing which we know that has zero foundation. My son-in-law actually has pedicures with my daughter as together time and she […]

Categories: pedicure, spa manicure

Its time to break those toes out of shoe jail. The rugged edges, the calloused heels, dry flaky skin and the harnished toes waiting to be polished up for those trendy new sandals that will embrace the summer. Try the newest nail polish this season. Magenta. Hot pink has cool lavender undertones that make it elegant. It explains why magenat was the manicure of choice on spring runways, including Chanel’s. […]

Categories: nail services, pedicure

I started re-reading a book by Rhonda Byrne called “The Power”. What I found was a really great chapter about relationships with others.What she says is Life presents everything to you so that you have choices as to whom and what you love. We have relationships with money, family, intimate partners, business associates and physical feelings towards things such as our cars, homes, furniture and stuff. As part of this […]

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