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Burr! Tis the season for dry flaky skin. The often stressful holiday season combined with the harsh effects of cold winter weather can leave skin dull and dry. Seasonal facials not only help maintain your skin but get you into the holiday spirit but truly aim to nourish and fresh the cells that are lying beneath those dead cells that have been built up since the last facial. Our goal […]

Be cool as a cucumber this season. The weather has been warm and we have certainly seen some rain to nourish the rich ground. One of the primary nurses that watches over and cares for my son Carson, loves to make Cucumber Salad. Her version of it. She puts special onions and her magic sauce in it. My grandmother used to make it on the farm that creates special memories for […]

Guinot Beaute Neuve Peel Facial Treatment watch video here We have been introducing multiple new treatments to remedy or let’s say reduce the activities of our aging skin with chemical peels. We have a variety of these lesser strength to maximum strength chemical peels or called skin peels that will chemically shed off the top layer of your skin revealing the youthful skin underneath. I find these chemical skin peels […]

I thought that might catch your interest. As you know, I have hit the magic years of the 40’s which is supposed to be the 30’s. Um, not sure about that statement. I feel like I’ve been working more than I ever have. I know we only have 24 hours in a single day but like you how in the world do we find time for ourselves in our 23 […]

Being a mother is the most special job that I’ve been assigned. I have the pleasure of inserting my thoughts and values to my children Alex and Carson for 25 years. One day I said to my daughter, “I’m surprised you have survived my parenting.” We laugh and giggled about that statement because I have done a lot of out of the box parenting. I have had to work many […]

Here it is!! Bioxygene face cream designed give radiance to dull lack luster over stressed skin. I don’t know about you, but some days are not so radiant as they should be especially when I look in the mirror in the morning and say to myself “who are you?”If you don’t feel as young as you used to and you have the sallow, dull, tired look than maybe you should […]

Are fine lines just a sign of dryness? see if dryness is magnifying your creases take a simple test: Apply a moisture Masque such as Guinot Hydra Mask and leave it on for the recommended time. When you rinse it off, does  your skin look fresher?  fuller? smoother? If it does look better than your skin was dehydrated. If it doesn’t look any different,your lines then are age related. I know that stinks but […]

Did you know that women fantasize about getting enough sleep every night? I certainly didn’t. I found this informative article in Allure issued April 2011. Commenting on sleep is a Darrell S. Rigel, clinical professor of dermatology of New York University Langone Medical Center in New York City. We are supposed to be getting average of seven to nine hours of sleep per night. Getting the proper amount of sleep […]

Hey, I wanted to let everyone know that I have worked with a formulator to create the most intensive moisturizing body butter bar – well, I think it is. We reformulated 8 times since the inception. I know it’s been a hidden secret but I was so fustrated with the moisturizers that I’ve found out there in grocery stores, boutique stores from all over and still I didn’t feel like I was getting […]

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