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Thanksgiving is approaching fast. Gift ideas to say thank you. Good manners never go out of style, although I think a refresher course in what to bring to a hostess would be in order. As a hostess, we work very hard to give an enjoyable experience to our friends and family. I know what it’s like to receive and to give a gift. Makes you feel warm and cozy. Small […]

Best birthday gift for your teen! Acne facial treatmentImagine how your teen feels when they look in the mirror and see this? Suffering from acne, cysts, blackheads, boils under the skin? Most teens have been youtube guided into how to take care of their skin. Even of they were by mom and dad, they probably wouldn’t take their advice right? Next option is to the dermatologist for a solution to […]

Categories: Anti-Aging, Skin Care, spa, Waxing

My hair has grown back thicker, fuller and longer It was over a year now that I have experienced my hair shedding into the brush, the floor of the bathroom, the shower and onto my clothes. I would feel a wisp of hair on my arm while I was working at the computer only to discover it was my HAIR shedding. I knew there had to be a solution or […]

Healthy living articles designed for business women featured by Indulge Pure Originals We started at Indulge Salon York Pa carrying natural body care products out of necessity because my skin was so dry that I scratched till the skin bled. That became problematic for me since I tried other lotions and creams but they burned my skin when I applied them. Safe body butter lotion bars are moisturizing on dry […]

Dry crepey skin? Hugged grandma lately? Skin loose and see through? . The translucent sheer paper thin skin reminds you of crepe paper. That is why it’s described as dry crepey skin. It does tear easily and our older women and men are self concious of their thin, see through skin, therefore; they camoflage by wearing long sleeves. Crepey skin in our 40’s? When we are younger, we moisturize with […]

Spotty tan streaks from drug store self tanner? We have the secret to non-spotty skin from self tanners. Call 717-846-4424 for the best results to prepare your skin for your self tanner.  Try the Hydraclean facial We highly recommend preparing your skin with our customized Hydraclean facial treatment before applying your self tanner for the best results. Cleansing your skin freeing it from dead skin cells that have accumulated over […]

Hydra Clean Facial Treatment Get rid of blackheads, clogged pores with a safe and effective Hydra Clean Facial treatment. No more squeezing blackheads till your eyelids quiver with tears. Squeezing is painful. Now you have another option that is a warm relaxing experience. We take a strategic approach to your skin with a detailed plan created to care for your skin. Our passionate skin care professionals are highly educated in […]

Manicured eyebrows are in? Its the perfect manicured brow that demonstrates the sophisticated woman that appears to have it all together. You look at her showing her confidence in her makeup, her clothing and how she presents herself. Want that look? The Manicured Brow system includes  shaping, trimming, waxed to perfection therefore creating the perfect compliment to your face. The manicured brow is part of your “look”. They define your […]

For Valentine’s Day give her the gift of 100% natural lotion in a bar! The Indulge Pure Originals Body Butter Lotion Bar is has zero sulfates, zero wheat, zero harmful ingredients that moisturize. Safe for mommy’s-to-be 3 ways to moisturize with our lotion bar: still in the shower apply AFTER you have washed your body and still wet with warm water. Massage into your skin then hop out of shower […]

                   ” It’s my birthday!” One of the staff members mentions on a daily basis “It’s my birthday!” We frantically check our schedules to see if we were off and are relieved that we didn’t forget her birthday. Casually we remind her that her birthday is in August. I bet when she is older she will be doing the same thing. When I […]

Categories: Blog, Hair, Skin Care, spa

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