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Did you know that women fantasize about getting enough sleep every night? I certainly didn’t. I found this informative article in Allure issued April 2011. Commenting on sleep is a Darrell S. Rigel, clinical professor of dermatology of New York University Langone Medical Center in New York City. We are supposed to be getting average of seven to nine hours of sleep per night. Getting the proper amount of sleep […]

Hey, I wanted to let everyone know that I have worked with a formulator to create the most intensive moisturizing body butter bar – well, I think it is. We reformulated 8 times since the inception. I know it’s been a hidden secret but I was so fustrated with the moisturizers that I’ve found out there in grocery stores, boutique stores from all over and still I didn’t feel like I was getting […]

Why is it that a tan can boost our self confidence? We are in the day and age where our skin idols are Snookie and the cast of the Jersey Shore. Don’t get me wrong, this season’s Jersey Shore cast is in shape now more than ever before, and JWow has a body that could compete with any Victoria Secret model. Okay…off topic, I know, but come on…it’s true. A tan, whether […]

The greatest thing about tanning is that you don’t have to be at the beach to do it… Tanning has options...and we, as Indulge Full Throttle Lifers, Love Options. Suppose you don’t like tanning in a tanning bed, you can lay out in your backyard instead. Perhaps you hate being hot, you can go have an airbrush tan service. Or, maybe you love tanning at the beach but can’t get […]

Summer is a great time to be outside enjoying the weather, great outdoors, beach, and sun. Although it brings great weather, it can be very harsh on our skin. Laying out at the beach the sting of sand blowing in the breeze, the hot sun on our skin can completely reverse the care we gave our skin throughout the Spring.  It’s so important to maintain lush, moisturized skin especially through […]

A note from the co-manufacturer of the hand-made Indulge Skin Care Items… Consumers are faced with thousands of choices when it comes to deciding what they put on their skin.  A few products are truly amazing, some are pretty good, most are so-so, and some are downright lousy. What defines the difference between a truly amazing product and a downright lousy one?  First and foremost, it is based on the experience […]

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