Indulge Salon
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Be cool as a cucumber this season. The weather has been warm and we have certainly seen some rain to nourish the rich ground. One of the primary nurses that watches over and cares for my son Carson, loves to make Cucumber Salad. Her version of it. She puts special onions and her magic sauce in it. My grandmother used to make it on the farm that creates special memories […]

I thought that might catch your interest. As you know, I have hit the magic years of the 40’s which is supposed to be the 30’s. Um, not sure about that statement. I feel like I’ve been working more than I ever have. I know we only have 24 hours in a single day but like you how in the world do we find time for ourselves in our 23 […]

We see generations of women come into Indulge, A Colour Salon 180 from Ordinary at all of our locations  and as always we hear everything from the daughter graduating from high school, to which daughter is pregnant and the next is heart disease or ailments and which doctors they are seeing. We hear it all and we also can head off some difficult news by lending an ear or recommending certain […]

Here it is!! Bioxygene face cream designed give radiance to dull lack luster over stressed skin. I don’t know about you, but some days are not so radiant as they should be especially when I look in the mirror in the morning and say to myself “who are you?”If you don’t feel as young as you used to and you have the sallow, dull, tired look than maybe you should […]

Here goes…another perspective on weight gain and guess where this one comes from? You guessed it. Artificial light. Back in the day when we had to run after our food for the nightly meal cooking over the fire pit, we now are accustomed to eating our meals indoors and by artificial light bulbs. Can you imagine we as humans used to spend 10 hours a day outdoors? That would be […]

Did you know that women fantasize about getting enough sleep every night? I certainly didn’t. I found this informative article in Allure issued April 2011. Commenting on sleep is a Darrell S. Rigel, clinical professor of dermatology of New York University Langone Medical Center in New York City. We are supposed to be getting average of seven to nine hours of sleep per night. Getting the proper amount of sleep […]

Hey, I wanted to let everyone know that I have worked with a formulator to create the most intensive moisturizing body butter bar – well, I think it is. We reformulated 8 times since the inception. I know it’s been a hidden secret but I was so fustrated with the moisturizers that I’ve found out there in grocery stores, boutique stores from all over and still I didn’t feel like I was getting […]

Why does it seem that whenever we begin a diet, we are fully intent on “finishing it,” but a week or so into the diet, results aren’t coming fast enough and we give up. The problem is that we are so used to getting instant results that we are disappointed when we don’t get what we want and get it right away. Here are a few tips on how to […]

After reading “Why Mom Wakes before Dad,” an article by, I found that women have different circadian rhythms from men.  Researchers at Harvard Medical School headed up a study that looked at how easy it was for the participants to fall asleep and stay asleep. Apparently, there are two indicators of circadian rhythm: core body temperature and levels of melatonin.  What I did not know was that the “natural circadian […]

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