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My hair has grown back thicker, fuller and longer It was over a year now that I have experienced my hair shedding into the brush, the floor of the bathroom, the shower and onto my clothes. I would feel a wisp of hair on my arm while I was working at the computer only to discover it was my HAIR shedding. I knew there had to be a solution or […]

Bring on the new year new you for 2018 Ready to try a new haircut and color A part of letting go of the previous year is the art of allowing space for the new ideas for 2018. Feeling good about yourself for the new year is just as important as setting new goals. The saying, ” when you feel good,  you look good is so true.” According to the […]

Force yourself to enjoy a glass of red wine tonight because of the health benefits … okay, maybe it won’t require any great sacrifice on my part to imbibe in a little vino this evening. Here’s the deal: red wine is considered to be good for you (in moderation of course) because it contains the antioxidant resveratrol, which is is said to slow the oxidation process that causes aging. Grapeseeds […]

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