Indulge Salon
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Defineyour color.Defineyou

Recently, I had trauma in the eye. Weird, I woke up and rubbed my eye to extreme stabbing pain. I never have had trouble with my eyes. I thought maybe I had rubbed my eyes while in my sleep however; that is not my style. I checked underneath my eyelid and couldn’t see anything but it was tearing up which indicated it might have something foreign in it. I resorted […]

If the dreary winter weather has you feeling blah, a bright new shade of lipstick might just be the answer! A pop of color on your lips can brighten your whole face and of course a good lipstick like the Youngblood collection we carry at Indulge Salon York, PA protects the lips from moisture loss. Indulge carries 20 luxurious, moisturizing shades of Youngblood lipstick that are lanolin-free and offer a […]

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