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Causes and Community

The Carson Foundation Community

Indulge is committed to embracing causes and community by funding a home for children with severe physical and mental challenges. This desire to serve is the genesis of The Carson House.

From every product sale at Indulge, a percentage will be donated to the construction and continued support of a special home for children struggling with severe mental and physical disabilities.

It will be a place of refuge, a place of home, a place of optimism. . .and a place for parents to have an opportunity to work in order to provide for their children.

The house is named in honor of Kimberly Acworth’s son, Carson, who suffered a violent shaking at 11 weeks old by the hands of his caregiver that caused brain damage. Carson was born normal, but must now wear foot braces, a chest brace, is bound to a wheelchair and must have 100% at-home nursing care – all due to a violent shaking to stop him from crying.

An image of Carson. Kimberly's sonThis home will inspire all toward love and lending a hand to special children.

At present, our goal is to open 10 Indulge Salons with proceeds financially supporting The Carson House project. We are in the process of creating the Carson Foundation where anyone can donate money through the Carson Fund.

Kimberly has and continues to educate the public through speaking engagements on how to prevent such tragedies.

For speaking engagements please contact:

Kimberly Acworth
Indulge Salon: 717.846.4424
Cell: 717.880.1336
Your donations are also deeply appreciated.

Causes and Community

Please make checks payable to:
The Carson Fund

Mail to:
Morgan Stanley South Barney LLC
The White Rose Group
204 North George Street 3rd Floor
York PA 17401
c/o Tom McCracken

An image of Carson at the beach. Kimberly's son

This was Carson’s first time at the beach at Stone Harbor. We never thought he would live this long, or be able to hear and sense the feeling of ocean waves pounding the sand. The photograph perfectly captures his expression as he feels the water embrace his sensitive feet – for the first time.

Carson Grey McCord . Kimberly's son

22 years old March 23, 2016

Kimberly's son , Carson, at 15 years old

‘driving around with mom over the bumps’ 15 years old

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