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Celebration of Quilts 2016|Indulge Salon York Pa

Quilting isn’t for just old ladies!

When I was a little girl, we used to drive to the farm my grandmother lived for years. This farm and spending time with her was one of my favorite things to do. We would go for walks in the woods, explore in the gardens and sit on the back porch and talk.

During those times, she would teach me how to knit, sew, and quilt. Since she was president of the Farm Women’s Group in Dover, Pa, they would have meetings at her house. One of the activities was quilting. I never had a specific interest in it but spending time with my grandmother was one of my favorite things to do. She would take the time to teach me about stitches and how to do them. These quilts that the ladies would create out of fabrics that were laying around or new patters we had to cut out to prepare, the frames set up to set the quilt onto it was a system. These special ladies would sit for hours talking, eating, sharing stores and best of just sharing time and the art of quilting. I was pretty lucky. I still have one of the quilts my grandmother Pauline Oberlander had made and handed down over the years.

We had blue quilts, red quilts, mish mash quilts of all different colors. Amish quilts were so defined and artistic. I respect quilters for their passion of detail and artistry.

If you want to see some amazing quilts head over to York College of Pennsylvania Grumbacher Sport and Fitness Center May 20 and 21, 2106. Starts at 9:00 a.m. till 6 p.m. and Saturday 9:00 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Over 200 quilts will be judged along with workshops or enter your quilt.

Admission: $10 one day; $12/2 days

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