Indulge Salon
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Cinco d’Mayo is this weekend … time for a pedicure?

Salon York PA

Ahhh … the refreshing taste of an ice-cold margarita … the smell of fresh squeezed lime … the salted rim that allows every sip to become a heavenly combination of salty and sweet.

Sworn off tequila for, shall we say, more personal reasons?  How about a special Margarita pedicure in honor of Cinco d’Mayo instead? The lime and sea salt combo that makes the drink taste so good does amazing things for your feet too.

Guys, if you are participating in the Walk a Mile In Her Shoes event in downtown York this Friday, this pedicure is a perfect choice to either get your feet ready for the size 13  spring sandals you’ll be sporting around town OR the perfect reward for doing so!

Call us at 717.846.4424 to make an appointment for a special Margarita pedicure in honor of Cinco d’Mayo or check out our website for other manicure/pedicure ideas that will suit your needs at

And don’t forget — Mothers Day is May 12. While you are at the salon, ask us to assemble the perfect gift for mom of some Indulge Pure Originals and a gift card so that she can select the pampering perfect for her.


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