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Eyelash extensions the next level at Indulge Salon, York PA

Eyelashes are usually short and stubby or we’ve lost them as we have aged. Unfortunately, some women have lost them all together due to health related issues.

We are happy to let you know that have can have an alternative to those of you with shorty lashes that you can’t seem to find to even put mascara onto make them look longer and lush. With our individual lash extensions, we place them on individually with love and care and some serious adhesive, you will have long lush lashes.

Bat those at the ones you love. They will last a few months with monthly maintenance in between because we natually shed our lashes and they must be replaced. If you rub your eye by accident, we will replace those lashes. Can you imagine that you don’t need mascara any longer that you can just pop up in the morning and start your day without the extra care of mascara and trying to find your lashes to apply it to?

This is great for a party if you want to add just a few at the corners to elongate or dramatize your eyes. You can have them applied to the top and the lower corners for most accentuation. These run about 250-375 for a full set on both eyes and it takes about 1 – 2 hours depending on the types of extensions that are being applied. they come in different shapes, curves and thickness. Who knew?

Contact us at Indulge Salon at 970  South George Street, York, PA 17403

Call 717.846.4424 for more information or to set up and a consultation to see if you are a candidate for them ask for Priscilla. She is more than happy to discuss with you..

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