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Happy Mother’s Day from Indulge Salon

Indulge Salon York PA, Undone Collection york pa, Undone Stonewashed hair color York PA

Wella Undone Stonewashed haircolor collection prescribed at Indulge Salon, York PA

Happy Mother’s Day to all Mother’s.

We honor you at Indulge Salon for your hardworking, diligence and perserverance to raise our children to be self sufficient loving citizens. I know its hard and that you normally self sacrifice for your children/young adults. We have given up things in order for our children to have a better life experience than what we have. I just learned the other day that statistics shared we spend as adults over 250,000.00 to raise our children and that is before college, IF attend college or advanced education. Kudos to the parents for enduring the smart mouthed 12-13 year old years, the “you don’t understand what I’m going through” conversations that you have or are having over the years, and the “but my friends have one”. Don’t you just love it?

I remember when my daughter was younger, about 8 years old. Her mouth was maturing beyond her age. As we were walking through Lowe’s store, she was crying for something and I had stopped to talk to someone and as I was introducing her to my friend, she said she was adopted.  I could feel the seething anger brewing beyond my ears and smoke was spilling out. She was being really naughty that day and laid down on the floor kicking, screaming and crying to get her way about something. The something I forget, the comment I made was this, ” I brought you into this world and I can take you out!” I apologized the clerk, dropped the stuff at their customer service desk and immediately left. I needed to create immediate separation from my daughter and me in the car. We laugh about that now but certainly not then. I don’t know about you, but this is normal for kids to act this way and what comes out of their mouths is surprising and you ask where in the world did that come from?

When I was a teenager, I actually walked a mile to the bus stop to catch the bus. I had to help on the farm I lived on because it was the family duty and I didn’t GET PAID to help. It was expected of me to actually work and not even ask or suggest any type of payout for my showing up. I remember that mowing the lawn with the tractor mower included the trimming around the bushes and the trees within the guidelines of my grandparents “ideal” lawn layout. Three acres took me about 8 hours in a day or I had the choice of doing it in two days but the idea was it had to be done. Not only did I have to do the outside work but you were expected to help out in the gardens when it was about 80 degrees blazing heat down on the shoulders, arms and neck while picking the beans and pulling out the potatoes from  deep in the earth. My grandparents didn’t discuss dirt under the manicured nails, it was strongly indicated  we have a job to do and let’s get it done because we were headed to the Church supper to help out that night. However; with all of the hardwork ethics I received my grandparents, the best education I received from them was the amount of love and support that I had during preparing meals and the great discussions we had during homework time. Of course, I was plied with cookies and milk or a piece of pie which was homemade. I was blessed by these experiences.

The groundwork of parenting was founded by my paternal grandparents that lead to my father and mother’s work ethic. I met with my mother over this Mother’s Day weekend in which we had “lunch”. I expressed to her how grateful I was to have the hard working experiences. I did with both of them which has made me a better leader, giving and loving, and to be able to care for myself. These ethics and perceptions that are carried from generation to generation really form our thoughts that turn into the consistent behaviors that I will be forever blessed. My parents gave me tough minded activities such as “if you want it, work for it”. Nothing was free or just given to us. We had to work and EARN what we wanted in our lives. Today, I see some of my young adult clients that were given so much and do not appreciate the hard work that their parents provided for them. I again am forever grateful for my tough up bringing. I never expect anything for nothing. I return tenfold of whatever I’m given.

My daughter and son have been blessings to me and a pain in the butt over the years. Let’s be honest here. Not everyday was a happy day. When I said no to my daughter, I meant no. She was creatively insistent on some things such as the time I would go into her bedroom without knocking because we had an open policy in the house until she got much older and needed that privacy. Remember when they were quiet in their rooms, trouble was brewing. She had turned into her teens at the time and constructed some sort of alarm buzzer that woke the entire house up when I walked into the room. Scared the bejesus out of me and of course I had that sucker disarmed in about 2 seconds flat. I admired her for her “courage” in trying to engage this with her creativeness. We laugh about it now since she is 28 years old which I can’t believe she has survived my parenting all of those years. I enjoyed every single one of them except her senior year, check out arvada home cleaning. That was a tough year and I had to call in the back up family for that year. I thank them all for their support. I advise calling in the resources when you need them to get your goal accomplished.

To all of you moms out there in York PA, we have to stick together and support each other. Reward yourself once in a while and allow yourself a little pampering for all that you do in a day. Cooking meals, cleaning the house (yuk no disrespect to those of you that love that activity) transporting the young’uns to soccer, cheerleading practices, free emotional therapy when the boyfriends in middle school break up, the interior decorator advisor to their rooms, being a hairstylist until they learn to do their own hair and makeup application, swim classes and all over yonder to the mall until they can drive themselves. I salute you!!!

10 Ideas to pamper yourself:
1. call the babysitter to come watch the kids at their house for 2 hours. Its nice to enjoy your home that is clean and clutter free and noise free for 2 hours.
2. make dinner for yourself or call out to have it delivered to you.
3. have your special man draw a bubble bath for you. Candles lit, wine or champagne just for you
4. purchase a favorite something you’ve been meaning to do but never had the chance to do it
5. rent a video on comcast or netflicks that you want to watch not having to watch a movie that your kids have vetoed your vote out
6. plan a get away with your special man for a night of romance
7. read a favorite book while its quiet
8. call the salon to have a facial at Indulge Salon, York PA. 717.846.4424 (I thought I’d make it easy for you) or schedule a chocolate pedicure, manicure, or enzyme peel to slough off the stress, or get a new hair color or haircut
9. call your best friend to catch up and giggle over some of the fun things you did
10. send yourself some flowers of your choice “just because you are amazing”

I know first hand the multi-tasking you have performed as a champion of your kids, at work and want you to appreciate yourself. Look in the mirror every day and say to yourself, ” I am amazing, brilliant and I deservthe best”

Enjoy your Mother’s Day!

Kimberly, Mother of Alex and Carson

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