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Happy Mother’s Day from Indulge Salon|York

Happy Mother’s Day!

A Story Of Love

Alex Acworth Crawford and Kimberly Acworth

The sun shining through the window beckoned me to start the day with a smile since all we have had was rain this week. I quietly walked over to my son’s bed to check on him while he slept peacefully. I wondered what he was dreaming about this early in the morning to have such a contented look on his face. I smiled and went back to bed to reflect on what Mother’s Day means to me.

Being a mother has brought great joy with having birthed two amazing children. One that is now a mother of twins and my son whom has lived to 22 years old. I am the luckiest mother ever. When my book is published, you can read the full story. My journey as a mother has brought me joy  and has also brought heartache, fear, anger, sadness and happiness.

I thank all of the people in my live that have helped support me in my down days but have lifted my spirits to have great days. I would not change the hand that was dealt to me because these character building days helped build the “character” that I am.

In my opinion, nobody asks for hardship. Mother’s are given Carson McCord and his Nana (Linda Yurchak)the opportunity to show their strengths by helping assist our children to become their best selves as we guide their inner spirits discovering whom they are meant to be. We are the guides. One of my favorite parenting movies is Zorro. You laugh at me for saying this! Truly, when my daughter was little we would watch this movie over and over. The reason I watched it was the inner circle that the master would teach the student. The closer to the inner circle would indicate the student had most control over himself and his actions. I’m sure the producer never intended this end result but for me, this was the single most effective form of teaching for me to help my daughter manage her actions with consequences good and not so good for her. My parents and grandparents helped shape my parents skills too. I have zero regrets on how I’ve raised my children.

Carson Grey McCord

22 years old March 23, 2016

Life is not to be regretted but to be lived to its fullest in every capacity that we experience from the world “we” create out of our minds.

It’s not the job of other’s to tell us what to do. It is the job of us to teach our children the way to act in front of others and to family. We help directing their path of natural abilities. When we discover these natural abilities, we continually support those aspiring actions.

Carson McCord custom built shoes

Carson McCord custom built shoes

Regardless of how our children “appear”, we still must help our children develop. If they need shoes to help them walk, we build them. If they need help sitting up, we create the straps to keep them sitting up to see their world from their vantage point. If they can’t get around, we get transportation for them.

I thank my mother and father for letting me figure “me” out who I was when I was younger. I used to collect Vogue magazines and business books, set goals and stay to myself most of the time growing up dreaming about who I expected to be. My authentic self.

To those of you that have lost your mother, I am truly sorry. I hope you have someone close to call MOM. If you are the mom to someone else’s child, they are the lucky ones to have you because now you are able to share your gifts with a child that may need you to love them. Happy Mother’s Day.

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