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Have you included Indulge Salon of York Pa in your New Year’s resolution?

It’s a happy new year to you from Indulge Salon, York PA.

I’d say that making new year’s resolutions are a good start to the decision making idea! The difference between making a goal and actually do the goal is a time line. If you aren’t happy with the way you look either your weight, how you look or let’s go further such as your finances. We think it is obviously easy to make a goal but where most people lose it is in the details.

Make a decision on losing weight is a good example.

Start with January 2013 with current weight. (ugh) Create a mid year goal of where you want to be in the number lets say June 5 lbs down.

Then have your end goal of being 15 lbs down by December 31, 2013. The inbetween months are just as important because this is where the rubber meets the road. Ask yourself, “what are the rewards I will give myself if I lose 1 lb the month of January?” Its the little steps we take that help us achieve the larger goals we are looking to achieve by December 31st. Continue to reward ourselves as we step forward. Rewards can be a new haircut which can make you look slimmer just by how the stylist angles the haircut towards or away from your face. Try a new haircolor that has slimming effects which can minimize a wider face, slims a neck by using a darker shade and then contrast with a lighter color on the top of your head with either highlights that can give volume and brightness which will lengthen the face.

Another reward that can be inexpensive is a makeup makeover. We have a makeup artist that is truly talented and can look at your face, the angles of your bones and look at the image that you want to improve on or be. Remember who you want to be is the most important to making better choices for yourself with clothes, makeup and hairstyle. Set up a 30 minutes appointment to review your makeup, makeup brushes and anything other skin care that you have that has been laying around on your makeup counter for years. Also bring your mascara so that you can replenish or maybe design your eyelashes a little differently to enhance your eye shape.

So you see, having a makeover or make under is really healthy and our salon is not just for the maintenance haircut. We are here waiting for you to call us at Indulge Salon to help you figure out the best hair color, the best makeup ideas, the skin care regime to get your skin back in shape, the best eyebrow shape, the best hair extension options to thicken your hair and yes we are here for pleasure to take care of you. We will provide an assessment of your hair texture, your face shape and lifestyle to give you healthy ideas for your situation.

Just start doing something for 2013. We are here to support you in your new decisions for the new year. Call us at 717.846.4424. Log on as a new visitor on our home page for a 15.00 off coupon.

Happy New Year!!

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